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Health Science & Behavioral Health

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AAS Nursing Program


Applications for the AAS in Nursing Program are due May 1!


Great Basin College’s Associate of Applied Science Nursing Degree (AAS Nursing) provides an accessible, student-centered, postsecondary nursing education that prepares graduates for entry level nursing practice in a variety of structured healthcare settings. The curriculum integrates courses in nursing with general education requirements.

AAS Nursing Program with Campuses in Elko, Ely, Pahrump, and Winnemucca

Through the use of technology Great Basin College (GBC) aims to increase the nursing workforce in rural Nevada to provide quality healthcare. The AAS nursing program offers synchronized distance education for theory courses allowing students and instructors to interact between Elko, Ely, Pahrump, and Winnemucca locations. Clinical opportunities and state of the art simulation labs are located in each location so students can gain the knowledge and skills necessary for the nursing profession within their own communities.

The AAS Nursing graduate can provide basic nursing care in structured settings for individuals and families experiencing common and acute health problems. As an entry-level nurse, the AAS Nursing graduate can apply the best evidence, available resources, and information technology to assure high quality and safe nursing care. The AAS Nursing graduate can manage direct care for small groups of patients and participate as a member of nursing and interdisciplinary teams to achieve positive health outcomes. AAS Nursing provides the foundation for moreadvanced education at the baccalaureate level.

Laboratory and clinical experience are offered at the local college, hospitals, nursing homes, and other community facilities.

Upon completion of the program, students are expected to:

  1. Provide safe, quality, evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care in a variety of healthcare environments to diverse patient populations across the lifespan.
  2. Use clinical reasoning when engaged in the work of a professional nurse.
  3. Participate in quality improvement processes to better patient care.
  4. Engage in teamwork with members of the interprofessional team, the patient, and the patient’s support persons when managing patient care.
  5. Apply management, legal, ethical, and professional guidelines in practice as a professional nurse.
  6. Use information management prinicples, techniques, and systems, and patient care technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making.
To schedule an advisement meeting, please click on this link and select a time that works best for you:

Blue utton with text, "Schedule a Meeting".

Complio Guides for Students by Cohort


Admission to the AAS Nursing program is a separate process from admission to Great Basin College. Enrollment in the program is limited and is available at the Elko campus with interactive video lecture to Pahrump, Ely, and Winnemucca Centers. Students admitted to the traditional pathway are admitted only in the fall semester to begin the four-semester sequence of nursing courses. Selection is made using a point system. Points are given for grades in prerequisite and general education courses and the TEAS entrance exam. Students admitted to the Paramedic/LPN Bridge pathway are admitted only in fall to begin the two-semester sequence of nursing courses.

College courses taken at another institution will be evaluated by the Admissions and Records Office for transfer and acceptance. All courses must have been completed at a regionally accredited institution of higher education. All previous coursework must be submitted from the institution where it was completed as an official transcript. Transcript copies are not accepted.

Preference is given to GBC service area students and Veterans. Applicants not selected for the program will not be carried forward to the next application period and must re-apply and meet the requirements prevailing at the time. Only students accepted into the nursing program can enroll in NURS designated courses unless otherwise specified in the course description.

An initial advisory appointment with an AAS Nursing faculty member is strongly recommended. Applications and information are available online after the first week in January. The application deadline is the first week of April for admission consideration for the subsequent fall semester.

Students interested in AAS Nursing are encouraged to contact the Health Science & Behavioral Health for a personal advisement with a nursing faculty. This personal advisement gives in-depth information about the classes needed for the most successful application.

Open advisement meetings, which provide general information about application to the program, are held two times per year (September and February). Watch the announcement page at for the next scheduled meeting.

AAS Nursing’s website provides additional information about:

  • TEAS information and scheduled testing dates
  • Application and information
  • Points system for admission
  • Program requirements
  • General Education requirements
  • CNA information and FAQs

Program Cost

Estimated Program Costs.

Tuition: Approximately $16,500.00 as of Fall 2021
Books: Approximately $1,550.00 per academic year

AccreditationACEN logo graphic.

The Associate of Applied Science nursing program at Great Basin College at the Elko, Winnemucca, Pahrump, and Ely centers located in Elko, Winnemucca, Pahrump, and Ely Nevada is accredited by the:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate of Applied Science nursing program is Continuing Accreditation.

View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program.

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Why Great Basin College

Great Basin College, "The Gold Standard in the Silver State", offers associate and baccalaureate level education in academic, career and technical fields. Welcoming over 4,000 students annually from all corners of the country, both online and at our various campuses and centers, GBC's presence extends across two time zones and spans more than 86,000 square miles throughout Nevada. A leader in rural higher education, GBC takes pride in developing students who are well-prepared to meet the demands of industry and who contribute to the success and prosperity of the local economy.

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