What is MAGIC: An Overview
Teens are referred to MAGIC for a variety of reasons. While in the program, instructors help teens increase their self-esteem, improve attitudes toward peers and school, and increase communication with parents and other adults. Parents of MAGIC teens consistently report improvement in their teen’s behavior AND report an increase in their own knowledge of parenting techniques. A study conducted one year after involvement in the program indicates that skills learned in MAGIC are helping youth stay out of trouble. The following goals may help you understand what to expect during MAGIC.
For Youth
Conflict Management: Teens will understand the role conflict plays in everyday life, and will learn skills to help resolve conflict in an appropriate and positive way.
Communication: Teens will learn verbal, written and nonverbal communication techniques appropriate to audience and purpose.
Responsibility/Decision-Making: Teens will learn about individual and social responsibilities including limits, consequences and age-appropriate behavior. They will learn to use past experiences to make better future decisions.
Cooperation: Teens will practice being a meaningful, respectful, contributing member of a group.
Positive Relationships with Adults: Teens will gain a better understanding of their role in achieving a positive relationship with adults, and will learn skills in obtaining guidance and support.
Work/Goal Setting: Teens will learn about career possibilities and the importance and process of goal setting.
For Parents
Conflict Management: Parents will increase positive conflict resolution skills by setting realistic expectations for themselves and their family with clear, appropriate limits and related, reasonable and respectful consequences.
Communication: Parents will learn positive communication techniques and increase skills in praising and encouraging youth.
Responsibility/Decision Making: Parents will increase skills and confidence in their ability to make decisions that promote the well being of their family by recognizing strengths and resources they bring to parenting.
Cooperation: Parents will increase family functioning through teamwork, family recreation and a commitment to cooperate.