Friday, September 12, 2003
MEMBERS PRESENT: P. Anderson, P. Bagley, R. Barton, E. Bateman, A. Cates, P. Cortez, J. Emerson, H. Estes, C. Ford, P. Fox, G. Goicoechea, M. Hall, G. Heberer, E. Henderson, C. Hyslop, D. Jones, R. Kampf, B. Kern, P. Klem, J. Larson, M. LaSalle,J. Licht, K. Martin, L. Macfarlan, M. McFarlane, R. Null, P. O'Hanahan, C. Pyatt, L. Reber, J. Rice, B. Robertson, S. Rombough, J. Rosenthal, L. Sanchez-Saenz, K. Schwandt, J. Shaw, R. Siler, G. Smith, Ja. Smith, P. Smith, T. Staley, G. Tenney,L. Uhlenkott, P. Warren, J. Williams
OTHERS PRESENT: Regent Marcia Bandera, Vice President for Academic Affairs Betty Elliott, Chancellor Jane Nichols
- WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Chair Daniels welcomed everyone to Senate. Chancellor Jane Nichols was introduced.
- CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:17 p.m. Secretary Bateman declared a quorum present. One proxy vote was noted.
- CHANCELLOR JANE NICHOLS: Chancellor was present to address Senate. Dr. Jack Smith presented Chancellor Nichols with memorabilia and tickets to the upcoming festivities for the Great Basin Festival. Tapia eta Leturia, an international Basque accordion group, will be the featured performance on Saturday, September 20, at the Elko Convention Center auditorium. Chancellor thanked Faculty for the hospitality. She enjoyed seeing the elementary school children learning the intricacies of the Basque Dance in the Ampitheatre earlier in the day. She commended the college on the development and pursuit of the festival.
- Chancellor Nichols was unable to visit Elko in the spring due to the delay with the Legislature which was one of the most extraordinary sessions in Nevada history. The importance of education was the theme of the session which marked a turning point for the state. Many questions and priorities were under critical consideration. Chancellor Nichols commends Governor Guinn and the Legislators who took the difficult task of defending education. The System was awarded a budget 24% above last biennium. It was questionable that the approved tax package will support education for the future but it gives a foundation upon which to build. The System's responsibility is to see that each dollar is spent efficiently and benefits the communities which are served.
- The System Office is preparing for the next budget cycle. Each college will be asked for their forecast and for their needs. The System has authored a Higher Education Master Plan which is designed to outline System priorities, both within the Legislature and for individual institutions. Efforts will be made to ensure that the Master Plan is made widely available.
- The periodic evaluation for President Killpatrick will take place this spring. Killpatrick's contract ends in June of 2005. The campus will host a committee of five individuals for two days to listen to the college personnel, students and the community about the performance of the President. The committee will be comprised of one system President, two Regents, and two community members – all yet to be named. While the evaluation will determine the possibility of Killpatrick's continued service to GBC, it is also an opportunity for the President to receive feedback to steer his leadership for the future. No anonymous letters are accepted; however, anonymous surveys are accepted. Faculty are encouraged to undertake this mode of comment and performance indicator.
- Chancellor Nichols opened the floor to questions and discussion:
- State College Designation – The groundbreaking decision to allow the offering of BA degrees at GBC was a tremendous accomplishment. It has placed GBC's reputation in the national spotlight due to the ability to serve an isolated population for upper-division programs without losing its community college focus. This niche has been recognized by the Carnegie Institute as a classification of education offering. The Regents view the institution as uniquely different from Nevada State, Henderson. NSH grew out of the recognition to make UNLV a research university wherein not all of the baccalaureate-level education opportunities for the public could be served. GBC is evidently not a state college. The programs are offered in conjunction with the unique workload situation among the faculty which is coupled with the fact that GBC is not a transfer institution (i.e., specifically accepting community college credits towards BA). However, GBC is growing, as proven by numbers, leading Chancellor Nichols to believe that GBC may one day be a state college. Growth and need will take time to generate this change. Funding formulas for GBC are below those for NSH but highly funded compared nationally to community colleges. GBC is funded at the community college level for the associate-level programs and the state college-level for upper-division programs. There are serious considerations with accepting the state college definition; most importantly, the salary schedule is eliminated (increased cost for distance, rural education, and technical programs; merit pay; step increases, etc.) Pursuit of a state college perception based on increased pay is not logical.
- According to Title 4, Chapter 14 of the Board of Regents Handbook, GBC meets criteria as a transfer institution.
- Nursing Program – It is perceived that the BoR will not turn the college down for a need-based program. The BoR did not turn down GBC for its nursing program; this is a misconception. The Chancellor will be going before the State Board of Nursing on behalf the community colleges in order to seek changes in the nursing regulations to benefit the increase need in nursing instruction.
- Workload – GBC has agreed to go to a five course/four course workload per academic year, which is similar to the workload at the state college. This proposal was subsequently refused. All faculty in the UCCSN system are expected to teach five courses a semester. This is not always the practice due to various reasons: overload, research, service, preparation for distance education, etc. The faculty of GBC needs to look at a weighted workload. The release time concept will give faculty flexibility. Overload pay could address the issue of extra credits taught and compensate faculty at a higher rate than changing the workload policy; however, politically, the use of this compensation mechanism could backfire causing the Regents to increase the number of required courses taught. Documentation could help curb this threat. Blanket policies on workload for GBC in relation to that expected of other community colleges is not justifiable. Faculty have argued that the economy of scale is not comparable to those of other community colleges in the state which places stress on workload when developing or teaching upper-division courses. However, adopting a five/four workload will not give faculty more compensation; in fact, it may be less because it will affect FTE generation. The BoR have created a faculty workload taskforce to look into clear policy which is equal across the system. The taskforce is open to input from the faculty of each institution.
- Compensation for Non-teaching Professionals – A salary study which is being generated will address this issue. An employee compensated within the range scale can be modified through use of a periodic equity study which is conducted every four years. GBC is currently without a Human Resources Director; with this individual in place, an ongoing equity study should be realized. A campus group of non-teaching professionals have been researching this issue. President Killpatrick, along with the System Human Resources Director, should roll the information into the salary study in order to obtain a hearing before the BoR. There is currently no allowance given for continued or increased education such as that awarded for faculty. The range scale relies heavily on promotional opportunities for advancement.
- Social Work Program – GBC is currently working cooperatively with UNR on the development of the program. The Chancellor is unaware of the status.
- Institutional Partnerships – There are cooperative efforts among system community colleges which have been offered through extensive work and cooperation within Continuing Education. However, there is no generalized policy in place with regards to the credit of FTE, etc. There is no indication that a policy is being considered which may be to the advantage of all parties concerned.
- Year-Around School – System President's have long desired to offer year-around education for the state. There are no instructional dollars available for summer semester; however, the push for the nursing programs has helped push the Legislature to consider funding for trimesters. In the meantime, the nursing enrollment and lab courses will run into the following semester's FTE. If the need is demonstrated this option can be expanded to other programs. There is local need especially for the large number of non-traditional students who hold full-time jobs. Input from faculty on the issue is important. There is a question of faculty flexibility in preference for the semesters in which they teach.
- Adjunct Faculty Salaries – Each institutional President has indicated that they will begin to push for an increase in the adjunct salaries. Adjunct faculty have long been neglected in terms of compensation compared to full-time faculty and full-time employees. GBC is the lowest in the system. The base minimum will be the same for all like institutions in the system – GBC is funded at the community college level. If the market drives additional compensation, or if the institution can afford it, they may compensate at an additional level. GBC will be providing additional compensation over the next two years in order to meet equity.
- Faculty Governance - Every administrator will usually say that they are a faculty member at heart. Those that have served as faculty before accepting their administrative duties are truthful in their feelings. Chancellor Nichols believes strongly in faculty governance and this feeling is concurred through the actions of the BoR. Faculty are in charge of the things for which faculty should be in charge: curriculum, academic content, educational delivery, degree content, etc. She is assured that no President will come into an institution and mandate how or what degree or program should be developed. Faculty have a responsibility to pay attention, to contribute, to do long-range planning, to participate in decisions and to give input in a systematic, methodical way. Faculty are not in a position to make final decisions on hiring, budget spending, and institutional operation (fiscal, personnel, etc.). The exception is in the area of the awarding of tenure – although the President can stop the awarding of tenure at the institutional level, he does not approve the application for tenure. A collegial environment still holds the president of the institution responsible and accountable; faculty is released from these obligations. There should be continuing communication between faculty and administration.
- Student Services Funding – Student Services is not directly funded but shares its funding among other operational entities for the campus. Each institution places 100% of the funding formula into instruction. This leaves a shortfall for areas like Student Services, Academic Support and Buildings and Grounds which are typically funded at approximately 80% of need. Each campus makes the decision to distribute according to perceived need with a majority probably meeting salaries. Community Colleges are funded on a 60:40 percent assumed ratio, which is not preferable. GBC is funded at 100% for upper-division.
- Technology Taskforce – There has not been as much progress as expected due to the illness of the chair; a report is expected by December. Several initiatives are being considered to address the issue of funding for technology. Each campus is best aware of its needs and should give input for those needs. GBC is in need of infrastructure to allow high-speed connectivity to each classroom, dorm room, and office on this campus. The Chief Technology Officer for each campus acts as the liaison to the task force. Nationally, approximately 28% of need is paid for by students. In NV the student pays 20% which covers a wide range of need, not simply technology. Fifty percent of student fees goes to need-based financial aide which is a practice fully supported by the BoR; the Board may not be as supportive for an added fee to support technology. As tuition inevitably continues to rise, the BoR must be convinced to allow campuses to hold more of the student fees so development in such key areas as technology may be realized.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the August 22, 2003 meeting were unanimously approved with the following clarifications:
- Item I.A. should read that Nicole Kelly's term expired and her contract was not renewed. Nicole was not laid off as indicated.
- The accreditation team will return in Spring 2005.
- Funding for Food – A host account of $20 per month was provided through the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Faculty who volunteer to purchase the refreshments should obtain a DPO from Chris Mitchell. Refreshments for the present meeting were foregone in lieu of a reception for new faculty held prior to meeting time.
- Calendar Confirmed – The academic calendar was approved by President's Council and will be implemented.
- Adjunct Apportionment – VP Diekhans is willing to supplement the allotment at 2.5% for the next two years.
- RPED – Dan Jones will remain under the Office of Academic Affairs until further notice.
- Bylaws – Oral report; information only. The committee has not met. The committee would like at least two more volunteers from the faculty. If interested, please contact Committee Chair Bateman.
- Compensation and Benefits – Written report; unanimously approved. The committee requested that their report be changed to an action item.
- The faculty receives $3,500 annually for professional development. The amount from one academic year may be carried over to the next. The current budget for 2003-2004 is $4,128.48. All requests for faculty development, despite amount requested or funding source, must be fielded by the committee in order to provide record of development and to substantiate insurance coverage for the employee. Requests under $500 will be paid with allocated funds until monies are exhausted. Requests over $500 but less than $1000 will be allocated 50/50 between the allocated funds and the professional development fund provided by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. For requests over $1,000, $500 will be paid by the allocated committee funds with the balance provided by the professional development funds of the Vice President for Academic Affairs until said funds are exhausted. Professional development is supported by the institution. Faculty who plan to attend a conference sometime during the academic year are asked to submit their requests early in the fall semester.
- The following requests for travel funds were granted:
Dr. Anna Cates to English Department conference in Rock Springs, WY.
Eric Bateman for English Department conference in Rock Springs, WY
Genie Goicoechea for National NCTE Conference in San Francisco, CA.
Sarah Sweetwater for Mural Conference in California.
Dr. Shirley Rombough for Social Work Conference in Reno, NV.
Dr. Jay Larson for trip to Salt Lake City, UT.
- The committee approved $465.83 to Dr. Shirley Rombough for survey prep and mailing.
- The committee is currently reviewing preliminary information regarding workload issues.
- Curriculum and Articulation – Written report; approved. The committee volleyed two requests. Although the report was approved, each course received separate recommendations.
- MGT 251 is recommended to Senate for approval. The department requested the removal of the “B” designation for the course. Neither Curriculum and Articulation, nor the institution, may have this authority under common course numbering regulations. Senate requests that the course be tabled until the common course numbering issue is resolved. If the course is accepted as a general elective or is transferable, the “B” designation can be dropped; otherwise, the designation must continue.
- Consideration of HIST 401 was tabled by the committee for the development of syllabus. At present, the updated syllabus has been received by the committee. Action is expected on this item at the next full senate meeting.
- Personnel – Oral report; information only. The draft of the hiring procedure has been circulated to the committee members for review.
- Faculty Evaluations – Oral report; information only. The web page has been updated with the tenure-track, and tenured evaluation procedures. Tenure committees are being established for the five new faculty members; individual and department selections of faculty to serve on these committees have been made, and the VPAA's selections are forthcoming. First reports from these tenure committees are due at the end of the semester. The committee will be establishing the rotation schedule for the fifth year evaluation of tenured faculty.
- Student Relations/Scholarships – Oral report; information only. The committee will be meeting in the following week. The committee asks the faculty to mention to students that re-award scholarship monies are available. The deadline for applications is September 30. The committee will be seeking a new committee chair. Chair Kerns has accepted a position with the Elko County School District.
- BAS – Oral report; information only. The committee reviewed 25 applications: 20 were accepted, 5 were postponed due to unsubstantiated proof of an associates degree. Three requests from current students were sent to Academic Standards for consideration of experiential credit and waiver of the INT 349 seminar.
- BAIPS – Oral report; information only. The committee will meet within the next week. The handbook for the program is under development.
- BAEE – No report.
- Secondary Ed – Secondary Education Committee met last week looking into various models for secondary education degrees. There is heavy consideration for implementation of course majors with secondary education concentrations. The committee hopes to move forward in math and social sciences; industrial Arts is very close to going through.
- BSN – Oral report; information only. There has been no action. Funding was never turned down at the BoR level – it was substantially under funded at the legislative level though the legislature is still mandating that each institution double the size of its nursing programs. The grant which was submitted by GBC during the summer was not funded. The program will look at doubling the size of the associate level program without additional faculty. Creative measures for meeting this demand are being considered including the utilization of BSN nurses in the clinical areas.
- UCCSN Code Changes to Tenure Policy – Faculty were encouraged to review the policy prior to Senate for approval. The major change occurred in the area of “needs improvement” ratings. Other Senates in the System are not in favor of the policy. As the proposal reads, a faculty member may not receive more than two “needs improvement” ratings before receipt of an “unsatisfactory” rating and subsequent dismissal despite tenured status. Such a policy could jeopardize tenure which is under attack nationwide. Other system senates would like a safeguard in place to ensure that the policy is not used capriciously. The Senate unanimously opposed the changes.
- Faculty Policy of Review Texts – Chancellor Nichols acknowledged receipt of the sense of the senate; however, she gave no indication on comments regarding the compensation to coaches for use of equipment. Chancellor Nichols still requested written policy. Secretary Bateman drafted an ethical statement in conjunction with the Business Department. The statement reads as follows:
Textbook selection is the responsibility of faculty. Textbooks should contain current, relevant information for supplementary material when applicable. Textbooks should help faculty accomplish the educational objectives of a course. Faculty should exercise their expertise and professional judgment when selecting textbooks, and carefully consider the academic, professional, and ethical implications of criteria used in textbook selection.
The Sense of the Senate statement was unanimously approved. Secretary Bateman will forward the statement to Chancellor Nichols.
- NEW BUSINESS: No new business was brought forward.
- Vice Chancellor Chris Chairsell will be visiting the campus October 1. An agenda for her visit has been distributed by the Office of the President. She will host faculty in the solarium at 2:00 p.m.
- Faculty Evaluation System Conference - There is a conference in Atlanta, Georgia, on October 13-14 concerning the development of a faculty evaluation system. Faculty interested in participation should contact the Office of the Academic Vice President.
- Chancellor Nichols will be meeting at 4:00 p.m. in the Solarium. All members of the college are encouraged to attend.