September 17, 1999

MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Avent, E. Bateman, J. Cox, F. Daniels, J. Emerson, P. Fox, G. Goicoechea, J. Harris, P. Josey, R. Kampf, J. Kempster, M. Kucherawy, M. Kuhl, M. McFarlane, C. Pyatt, L. Reber, K. Schwandt, J. Shaw, J. Shrock, G. Smith, J. Smith, S. Sweetwater, G. Tenney

  1. ATTENDANCE: Silent roll was taken. Chair Eric Bateman declared a quorum present.
  2. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:25 p.m.
  3. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS : Chair Eric Bateman welcomed everyone to Senate. Karen Smith will be in attendance for the fulfillment of a class requirement.
  4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the August 27, 1999, meeting were approved with the following corrections and clarifications:
    1. Item IV.B. - The acting Chancellor is Tom Anderes.
    2. Item VII.F.1. - The Core Curriculum Committee will change their name to the General Education Committee. The committee will meet with the Curriculum and Articulation Committee to determine the viability of permanent vs. ad hoc status.
    3. Item XI.A. - Judy Harris has been appointed to the accreditation committee for the University of Nevada, Reno elementary education program.
  5. SENATE CHAIR REPORT: Chair Eric Bateman reported the following:
    1. Faculty Workshop - Betty Elliott has asked all faculty who are interested in a Learning Strategies Corporation workshop on learning styles to please take a look at the conference material. You may show interest in attendance by signing the cover sheet or contacting Chair Eric Bateman. It is requested that the date for the workshop be scheduled within the mandated faculty return date for the semester.
    2. Board of Regents -
      1. The salary for the new dean of the medical school was approved despite some opposition.
      2. UCCSN Faculty Senate constructed a position letter favoring an immediate hire of a Chancellor directly involving faculty in the hiring process. Chair Jill Derby has stated that faculty will be part of a workshop slated for November to discuss the Chancellor's position.
      3. The tenure-on-hire policy is being investigated by the Academic Research and Student Affairs Committee and is requesting community college input. The Faculty Senate Personnel Committee will address this issue as tenure-on-hire could be an option GBC might want to use at some point.
    3. Technology Fee - A draft statement was provided outlining GBC Faculty position on the issue. Action through the Board of Regents was tabled until the next BoR meeting where students from UNLV can be present for comment. A motion was made and unanimously approved to accept the statement for submission to the BoR.
    4. The Reynold's Project is scheduled to break ground at the end of September with a timetable projected through the end of 2000.
    1. Academic Standards - Verbal; approved. The committee has requested any pending actions be provided to the committee from Admissions and Records as soon as possible. Pending actions include several non-traditional credit petitions. Senate directed the committee to ask the Dean on recommendations to streamline the process.
    2. Budget - None
    3. Compensation and Benefits - Written; approved. The committee has two requests for travel and a request to modify the community college salary schedule. No action taken at this time.
    4. Core Curriculum - Verbal; approved.
      1. For the AA and AS Degrees only, History 101 and 102 will be required due to the information content available to students.
      2. December 1 is the deadline for the draft copy of course syllabi.
      3. Compensation for the restructuring of courses to fit the general education objectives and upper degree requirements will be worked out on an individual basis. Monies may be provided through staff development while credit breaks are unlikely for revision of a course. Where courses are being developed, provisions for credit breaks and overload pay will be negotiated to prevent possible teaching shortages. Each instance should be brought to Vice President Elliott directly.
    5. Curriculum and Articulation - None
    6. Distance Learning - Verbal; approved. The committee held an organizational meeting dividing the members into three groups to specifically identify the needs of IAV, telecourse and online classes.
    7. Facilities Committee - None
    8. Faculty and Administrative Evaluations - None
    9. Personnel Committee - Written; approved.
      1. The committee will serve on the hiring committee for the half-time Planned Giving Officer at the Foundation.
      2. Two individuals have been interviewed for the educational technologist position with continuation of the interview process on one applicant pending at the time of this meeting.
      3. An ad for the elementary education faculty position in the subject of Math/Science has been submitted with an application deadline of October 22.
      4. The committee will review GBC's tenure-on-hire policy for the BoR as previously brought forward in the Senate Chair report.
    10. Student Relations Committee - None
    11. Scholarships and Awards - None
    1. Part-time Faculty Representatives - Cheryl Pyatt was unanimously elected as representative. Contact was made with nominee Lelah Carter, however, no response has been received. Regina O'Shea-Hockett was unanimously nominated for the second representative position if Lelah Carter is not interested. Final vote will be taken at the next meeting.
  8. NEW BUSINESS: No new business was brought forward.
    1. Debbie White was nominated for the Outstanding Faculty Award for her dedicated work as part-time faculty in the ceramics lab.
  10. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: No information items were brought forward.
  11. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2:03 p.m.