October 22, 2004
Members Present: G. Avent, S. Baker, R. Barton, S. Bentley, D. Bolinder, J. Cox, T. Crum, F. Daniels, K. Dannehl, X. Du, S. Ehrmann, D. Ellefsen, J. Emerson, P. Fisher, P. Fox, L. Frazier, G. Heberer, D. Hiles, M. Howell, C. Hyslop, L. Hyslop, J. Johnston, D. Jones, R. Kampf, J. Kempster, J. King, P. Klem, M. Kuhl, J. Larson, J. Licht, K. Martin, R. McNally, K. Miller, D. Moore, B. Murphy, S. Negrete, E. Nickel, M. Ports, M. Puccinelli, C Pyatt, J. Rice, S. Ridley-Stevens, B. Robertson, S. Sanders, G. Skivington, Ja. Smith, Ju. Smith, P. Smith, T. Staley, G. Tenney, L. Uhlenkott, M. Urain, B. Wallace, J. Williams
Others Present: Vice President for Academic Affairs Mike McFarlane, SGA Senator Kim Mahlberg
- CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:17 p.m. Chair Schwandt declared a quorum present. One proxy vote was noted.
- WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Chair Schwandt welcomed everyone to Senate. Dr. Stephen Baker was introduced as the new full-time Criminal Justice faculty member. Michelle Hammond Urain was introduced at the new Interactive Video Coordinator.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the September 24, 2004 meeting were unanimously approved.
- SENATE CHAIR REPORT: Chair Schwandt provided a written report to Senate. All business was for information only.
- Board of Regents --
- Textbook costs are still under discussion. Chair Schwandt reiterated the importance of early ordering, consideration of packages, etc., previously brought before Senate.
- The Vice Chancellor for Technology is proposing an integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) package which would replace the existing Informs Human Resources system, Student Information Systems and Advantage financial information system.
- Several items were presented at the October 14-15 meeting. Comments may be forwarded to Chair Schwandt:
- A change to Title 4, Chapter 16 of the Board of Regents Handbook concerning previous ARSA and BoR approval of placement into and completion of developmental/remedial coursework.
- The Faculty Workload Taskforce requests there be a more direct link between the faculty member's area of expertise and any community service the individual undertakes in relation to promotion, tenure and evaluation. This request was approved by the BoR.
- Notice of Non-Reappointment for Non-Tenured Administrative Faculty with the exception of DRI. Action on this item will be taken at the December BoR meeting. The change will allow for the reduction in the paid time received by non-tenured administrative faculty who have not been reappointed from a full fiscal year to 60 120 days depending upon length of service. The System Senates have thus far not been positive on the issue stating that it further decreases the minimal protection currently held by administrative faculty. Suggestions for revision include incorporation of language which specifies that termination must be with cause. The Senates also question the undertaking of such an issue when the system at present is unstable due to Regent elections and a search for a new Chancellor.
- A structural re-organizational change to Chapters 1-7 of the Board of Regents Handbook was approved by the BoR.
- Concerns of ineffective advising were brought forward by the Student Body of UNR.
- Interim Chancellor Jim Rogers expects his permanent replacement to be in place by June 1, 2005. Senate would like information on the individuals selected for the hiring committee.
- The Regents Forum for candidates Stan Aiazzi and Dorothy Gallagher will be held following Senate (October 22) from 4:30-5:30 in the GBC Theatre. Seven questions have been brought to the attention of Chair Schwandt; others may provide questions as desired. SGA President Uraine and Chair Schwandt will ask questions on behalf of a second party.
- Irma Reyes and Karen Smith are the new Classified Council Co-Chairs.
- Tawny Crum and Pauline Fisher have agreed to Co-Chair the Student Relations Committee. The committee is currently a combined Scholarships and Student Relations Committee. Definitions of the proposed separated committees were provided to Senate. Senate questioned whether the awarding of scholarships should necessarily be a faculty responsibility. The committee will be discussing a proposal for separation and forward comments to Chris Mitchell prior to the next Executive Committee meeting to be held Monday, November 15 at 9:00 a.m. Comments will be brought forward for information only at the next full Senate meeting with action taken in December.
- The Executive Committee would Senate like to discuss the feasibility of making Department Chairs a standing Faculty Senate Committee. A faculty member serving as Department Chair would then be fulfilling their committee responsibility. Current standing committees are well staffed making the addition no hardship to business undertaken. This proposal is in an effort to enhance communication. Senate advised that reference to duties be carefully worded should Chairs become a standing committee. Currently Department Chairs receive a three-credit release in workload which could provide conflict among other standing committees. The workload reduction is directly related to the duties a Department Chair must undertake. Comments should be brought forward to Chris Mitchell prior to the next Executive Committee meeting. This item is scheduled for action at the next senate meeting.
- Faculty is asked to review the guidelines for the generation of the academic calendar. Comments should be brought to Chair Schwandt and Vice President for Academic Affairs Mike McFarlane prior to the next Executive Committee meeting. Senate questioned the proposed spring semester faculty return date proposed by VP McFarlane which would place the date as early as the first Wednesday after January 1. VP McFarlane requested a poll of the faculty present be taken with the resulting preference being the second Wednesday after January
- VP McFarlane requested an official vote at the next Senate meeting. Senate requests that students be consulted before a decision is made.
- Endorsement by the Senate regarding the Great Basin Indian Archival Center was requested by the Vice President for Academic Affairs Mike McFarlane. The project is seen as a long-term GBC function. Cortez Gold has provided the seed money for the endeavor to support the archive and personnel to maintain the archive. The Native American Advisory Group has been contacted regarding the project and the response has been positive at the Intertribal Council of Nevada. VP McFarlane reiterated that the archival position will be funded through the monetary donation. Faculty wants new faculty positions to service and support the academic needs on campus if any institutional funding is used. The archive is in place which only includes primary-source documents no physical artifacts are stored. It is a resource available throughout the country and opens up educational possibilities for GBC (such as elder hostel activities). The faculty wishes to give full support to the current academic programs. Formal endorsement through Senate action will be sought at the next full Senate meeting.
- Academic Standards Written report; approved. The committee recommended Senate approval of a proposed cut-off grade of C- for Pass/Withdraw courses. In the past the instructor was given the discretion on what a pass grade constitutes. The instructor would still have complete discretion in setting their grade point levels; however, the cut off passing grade is a C-.
- Adjunct Faculty Written report; information only.
- Efforts will be made to assign all adjunct faculty a GBC email address. A group account will be set up entitled GBCAdjunct to facilitate communication.
- Adjunct noted concern at retrieving updated course rosters especially at the beginning of each semester when rolls encounter the most fluctuation. SIS access is limited due to security issues.
- Adjunct Faculty is aware of the workshops pertaining to such issues as sexual harassment which are mandatory for all system employees. A $25 stipend will be issued to all adjunct faculty who attend these sessions.
- Assessment Written report; information only. The committee is in the process of setting up the first round of assessment of general education courses and selected programs. This is in response to the accreditation follow-up visit in February.
- Compensation and Benefits Written report; information only. The current draft of the Faculty Workload Policy under discussion was provided as an update to the Faculty. The committee continues to make progress on a plan which is accurate in the workload actually performed. The next meeting of the committee will be held on Friday, November 5 at 1:00 p.m. via IAV. All are encouraged to attend.
- Following Senate adjournment, it was noted that the above meeting was changed to a closed session in order to meet the schedule of Vice President for Academic Affairs McFarlane. An open session will be scheduled at the next available date. The deadline for completion of an approved policy is December.
- Curriculum and Articulation Written report; approved.
- Common course number changes for the Physical Education departments were recommended for approval.
- Associate of Arts in Education This item was brought forward for discussion only. The minimum 60-credit program incorporates 300-level education courses. The committee has not discussed the item at the present date. The program meets the requirements for education para-professionals. The need in the service area is minimal but meets the state requirements without creating new courses. The program appears to be at a high transferability rate according the common course numbering guidelines.
- Department Chairs Oral report; information only. Business brought before Senate during the Senate Chair report discussed establishing Department Chairs a standing Senate Committee. The committee was allowed to report under standing committee reports. It was noted following the meeting that all proper procedure with regards to the development of ad hoc or standing committees should be followed in accordance with the Faculty Senate Bylaws and Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised. UNLV requests immediate approval for a number of courses added to their course catalogue by new procedures implemented by the system-wide common course number committee which requires all system institutions to respond if objections arise within a certain time limit. Dr. Frank Daniels continues to act as the institutional representative to the System Common Course Numbering committee. The forms are distributed to institutional department chairs.
- Two new faculty positions in order of rank were brought forward for priority approval: Nursing and Biology. Priority was altered in order to bring the Nursing program into compliance with the State Board of Nursing. Ten faculty positions currently undergoing the advertisement process are fully-funded through vacancies or other similar circumstances. The new positions are contingent on funding which is based on FTE. The prioritization was unanimously approved.
- The Chairs request endorsement of the Occupational Education proposal to divorce the two issues of the proposed college organizational structure and the replacement of Stan Popeck former Director of Occupational Education. The vacancy is viewed as the optimal place to introduce additional operational structure to the institution. The motion was unanimously approved.
- The Chairs request approval for the immediate hire for a replacement of Stan Popeck's position. VP McFarlane forwarded a copy of position description for the head of Occupational Education which varies greatly from the duties which were actually undertaken. A partial description of actual work performed was provided by the faculty of Occupational Education. The position is an Administrative Faculty position. The department is currently operating with this significant delay in recruitment. VP McFarlane stated that administration would not support the proposal approved in Item V.F.2 to separate the proposed college organizational structure and the replacement of Stan Popeck. VP McFarlane does not feel that the motion at this present time is appropriate as the hiring directly affects the operation of the institution. Senate voiced concern that a complete job description of Stan Popeck's position was not available and, therefore, hampered decision. A roll call vote was called to hire Stan's position as defined in the description provided by the Department of Occupational Education. The vote passed 23:19 with 2 abstentions. A point of order was requested of the Chair wherein it was questioned if an ad hoc committee could bring a question to the floor for approval. The findings on the point of order after Senate adjournment were that it was not in accordance with proper parliamentary procedure; however, Chair Schwandt and Secretary Daniels understand the sentiments of Senate and hoped to reiterate those sentiments clearly to Administration. Senate Secretary notified Senate that Department Chairs have brought questions to the floor in the past; however, the Senate bylaws do not specifically address this point of order. Senate Secretary will refer to Robert's Rules of Order for clarification. Comment from the Senate floor then requested that upon the findings of the point of order the motion be null and void. VP McFarlane stated that Administration would not send out a position description for recruitment until a full discussion is held.
- Distance Education Written report; approved. The final mission statement for distance education was brought to Senate for approval. The report was condensed as requested.
- Personnel Written report; information only. A summary of positions currently under consideration for hire was provided.
- BAIPS Verbal report; information only. The committee met Friday, October 22, at noon.
- One student was admitted to the program.
- The first printing of the program handbook was made available to Senate. The handbook will be given to all interested parties for final input prior to the second printing. Comments are welcome.
- BSN Oral report; information only. Margaret Puccinelli was recognized by the Senate for her extensive efforts.
- BSW Written report; information only. Northwest Accreditation approved the joint GBC/UNR social work program to be offered at the Great Basin College campus. Site visits by the UNR faculty are scheduled for November 18-19.
- Elementary and Secondary Education Written report; action. The committee requests approval of the secondary education core. The endorsement areas are still under development. The core was unanimously accepted.
- UNFINISHED BUSINESS: No unfinished business was brought forward.
- GBCFACULTY Email Cache This item was tabled for future discussion on the composition.
- Proper Use of Email The webmaster and administration as well as the technology department will discuss the use of an alternative vehicle for miscellaneous, non-business information.
- DARS reports for Students Web access for this mechanism is proposed but more testing is necessary. The rollover of student records were within only very structured parameters including enrollment activity and the declaration of a major. There is 24-hour delay in pulling a student file from SIS into DARWIN.
- Regent's Awards Information on awards deadlines and coordinator were provided to Senate.
- Refreshments Adjunct faculty were thanked for the contribution. Vice President for Academic Affairs McFarlane volunteered to bring refreshments for the November meeting.
- A Midsummer Night's Dream Performance Tickets for the National Endowment for the Arts, Shakespeare in American Communities presentation are now available. See Chris Mitchell for information and purchase.
- ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m. Senate will convene on Friday, November 19, at 1:15 p.m. in GTA 130.