November 19, 2004
Members Present: P. Anderson, G. Avent, S. Baker, S. Bentley, D. Borino, R. Byram, T. Crum, K. Dannehl, X. Du, D. Ellefsen, J. Emerson, P. Fox, G. Heberer, C. Hyslop, L. Hyslop, D. Jones, R. Kampf, P. Klem, M. Kuhl, J. Licht, K. Martin, C. McMullen, R. McNally, K. Miller, B. Murphy, S. Negrete, P. O'Hanahan, M. Puccinelli, C. Pyatt, J. Rice, J. Rosenthal, S. Sanders, K. Schwandt, E. Seastedt, G. Skivington, G. Smith, P. Smith, T. Staley, G. Tenney, L. Uhlenkott, M. Urain, B. Wallace, J. Williams
Others Present: Administrative Assistant II Annie Ulrich
- CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:17 p.m. Chair Schwandt declared a quorum present. Three proxy votes were noted.
- WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Chair Schwandt welcomed everyone to Senate.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the October 22, 2004 meeting were unanimously approved with the following corrections:
- A numerical error occurred in reference to item V.F.3. pertaining to the Department Chairs committee report. In reflecting the discussion and subsequent votes which took place, item V.F.3. should reference item V.F.2. in relation to Vice President McFarlane's statement towards the action taken.
- SENATE CHAIR REPORT: Chair Schwandt provided a written report to Senate.
- Student Relations The item was heard as an informational item only with action pending at the December meeting. The process for creating and dissolving committees according to the Faculty Senate Bylaws was distributed.
- December Meeting The Senate will convene in December. Regent Gallagher will be in attendance.
- Non-Reappointment of Non-Tenured Faculty This policy initiated by the system is undergoing further discussion at the BoR level. System Senates authored a letter of disapproval to which the Chancellor responded. The item has been pulled from the BoR agenda for the December BoR meeting. Copies of the correspondence between System Senates and the Vice Chancellor Trudy Larson were provided for information.
- Institutional Reorganization Vice President for Academic Affairs Mike McFarlane authored a response to the action taken to separate the Dean structure of the institution and replacement of the directorship of Occupational Education. VP McFarlane shared Senate's views of the discussion which occurred and hopes to meet with each department individually in an effort to share information and explain administration's intentions.
- Process for Policy Change A description of the proper procedure for the changing of GBC policies and/or procedures when initiated by Senate was distributed. The procedure should provide official documentation as well as official installation of measures undertaken.
- Department Chairs Email vote will be held on November 24th regarding the installation of Department Chairs as a standing Faculty Senate committee. Administrative Assistant Annie Ulrich will collect the votes.
- Guidelines for Creating the GBC Academic Calendar A revised copy of the procedure was distributed to faculty. Return dates in spring are subject to approval on a separate item. The guidelines were unanimously approved.
- Spring Return Dates Three options were provided to Senate for discussion. The Senate questioned the return day of a Wednesday after previous discussions last academic year as to amount of time required for faculty to return to service prior to each semester gives a return day of Thursday. A previous poll indicated that most faculty preferred to return at the second Wednesday of January. The schedules of area high schools and their end dates should be taken into consideration in any future planning. GBC student response to the issue shows preference for an earlier return date in January with spring break to coordinate with that of the local school district. The amount of down time between semesters facilitates condensed classes (i.e., alternate semester courses). A motion was made and approved by majority vote (four opposed) to accept Option 2: Return the Second Wednesday after January 1. It is hoped that this official setting of the college calendar will facilitate the planning among school districts and allow development of condensed course options to service our student body. Students are encouraged to contact the public school teacher's union on the significance of the planning for the Elko County School District spring break.
- Indian Archival Center Endorsement A mission statement was provided by project coordinator Shayne Del Cohen along with the purposes of the archive. The archival center endeavors to provide students and researchers easy access to primary and digital information that chronicles the history and heritage of Great Basin Indian peoples. Senate endorsement will indicate that Senate supports the mission, purposes and plan of the GBIA as outlined at present by Shayne Del Cohen. A motion was unanimously accepted to endorse the mission, purposes and plan of the GBIA. Comment provided possible installation of Sarah Sweetwater's sculpture of Sarah Winnemucca on the GBC campus as a cornerstone piece of the archival center. Sweetwater's research should possibly be a part of the archive. The GBC Memorial Committee will be approached along with Sarah Sweetwater to pursue information regarding installation of Sarah's work as an action item at a later Senate meeting.
- Distance Education A motion was made and unanimously accepted to install Michelle Hammond Urain to the Distance Education Committee as replacement to former committee member Pablo Cortez.
- Adjunct Faculty Written report; information only.
- The Adjunct Work Room/Classified Break Room in McMullen Hall is open for business. All are encouraged to utilize the space.
- Adjunct faculty would like more communication and interaction with full-time faculty members of their departments.
- The committee would like to develop a standardized procedure for adjunct faculty orientation. Suggestions include utilizing departments for the distribution of materials, holding the orientation with the new student orientation sessions, making orientation a duty of Human Resources, etc. Senate encourages the possibility of long-time adjunct faculty members being involved in developing and coordinating the orientation process with a possible stipend put in place to compensate their efforts. Additional suggestions should be brought to the committee.
- Assessment Written report; information only. A sub-committee will develop the rubrics for use during the all-day work session on January 13. Annie Ulrich is the new support staff contact for the committee.
- Budget and Facilities No report.
- Bylaws No report.
- Compensation and Benefits Written report; approved. The current draft (4.03) of the Faculty Workload Policy was distributed to faculty. The policy presented, according to the input given, accurately describes the actual workload undertaken by academic faculty. Upon approval the draft will then move towards negotiation with Administration for a policy which can be reasonably compensated. The policy does not directly address adjunct faculty; however, adjunct faculty should use the document as a basis for their compensation policy. Workload with regards to any full-time academic advisor should be brought to the attention of the committee. A motion was made and approved by majority (unanimous decision with one abstention noted) to accept the final draft of the faculty workload policy to begin the negotiation phase of the process.
- Curriculum and Articulation Written report; approved.
- NURS 335, NURS 336, SPAN 203 and ECON 317 were submitted for approval with the understanding that each course must submit a completed Common Course Numbering form. The courses were unanimously approved.
- NUTR 121 was unanimously approved.
- FREN 111 and FREN 112 were tabled for further action by the department.
- The committee recommended for approval in conjunction with the Assessment committee that any new courses which wish to be considered for general education status are to be presented first to Curriculum and Articulation for review and evaluation. The Assessment Committee is responsible for the maintenance and evaluation of the course's general education focus. A motion was made and unanimously approved for the clarification of responsibilities of the Curriculum and Articulation Committee and the Assessment Committee in relation to general education courses.
- Associate of Arts in Education The committee accepted the curriculum with the addition of an option of math courses. Currently required for the degree is Math 120, 122 and 123. The committee added the option for the student to undertake six credits of Math 126 or higher in order to service transition of the student to the Secondary Education Program. The Education Department is willing to accept what the math department is willing to recommend. The committee does not see the math requirements as an option but as planning for specific educational goals. This degree is separate from the para-professionals program which only requires that instructors complete a certain number of credits. The committee will require that explanation of the math requirements for the program be clearly visible in the catalogue. A motion was made and unanimously approved to table the recommendation back to committee for clarification of the math options. The Senate applauded Education for their efforts in the development of new programs which will meet the needs of our area residents.
- Department Chairs Written report; information only. Minutes of the October 8 and November 5 meetings of the Department Chairs were provided for review. Questions should be brought to the attention of Chair of Chairs Jay Larson.
- Distance Education No report.
- Faculty and Administrative Evaluations Oral report; information only. The president's evaluation will be held November 29-30. A schedule will be released in the coming week. A faculty forum will be held on Tuesday, November 30, from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the Berg Hall conference room and is available by interactive video to the outlying campuses. Faculty is encouraged to attend this or other open meetings which will be held. Senate requested that last year's evaluations of the President be submitted to Senate Chair Schwandt which outline many concerns. Other comments are welcome.
- Library No report.
- Personnel Written report; information only.
- Eight faculty positions are currently at various stages of recruitment. Electronic conversions of application materials will be made available by Human Resources to committee members.
- The committee is currently reviewing five requests for sabbatical with recommendations forwarded to the VPAA and the President for approval.
- The committee will review five tenure application packages and recommendations will be forwarded to the VPAA and President for Regent consideration in February.
- The committee reviewed an updated faculty application form presented by Human Resources Director Erik Seastedt. The current application form requests information routinely found on an applicant's resume.
- Student Relations Written report; information only. Committee minutes were provided concerning the splitting of the committee into the student relations and scholarship committee. It appears that a consensus of the committee prefers to retain the Student Relations Committee and establishing the Scholarship Committee as an ad hoc sub-committee or college-wide ad hoc committee made up of representation from the entire college community. The committee requests input as to the duties of the Student Relations Committee in order to prevent duplication among other college entities. A bylaw change will be sought at the next senate meeting.
- BAS No report.
- BAIPS No report. Item pulled from the agenda.
- BSN Written report; information only. The program is scheduled for review by ARSA on December 2 with review by the BoR on December 3. The substantive change for Northwest has been drafted. Three upper-division nursing courses are in the development stages which will be reviewed by Curriculum and Articulation. The program has recruited members for a community advisory committee. A program handbook and application packet has been developed.
- BSW Verbal report; information only. This item was taken out of sequence in order to accommodate the tight schedules of the visitors. Dr. Mary Hylton and Dr. Denise Montcalm from the UNR BSW program were introduced to Senate. Both were on campus to meet with students and the campus committee.
- Elementary and Secondary Education Written report; information only. The program was pulled as an action item in order for the Secondary Education endorsements to be heard by Curriculum and Articulation. An outline of the program was provided to Senate for comment. The program did have questions with regards to the science requirements by the state; these are thought to have been clarified.
- UNFINISHED BUSINESS: No unfinished business was brought forward.
- Transfer Courses/Prerequisites Senate inquired if courses which transfer throughout the system should have the same prerequisites to compound any transferability or accreditation issues. The Curriculum and Articulation requests input. Differences occur not only at the community college level, but at the university level as well. Examples of prerequisites in relation to MATH 152 were brought forward wherein the department has been experimenting with allowing students into MATH 152 with a MATH 120 prerequisite instead of the MATH 126 + 152 sequencing. Comments should be forwarded to Curriculum and Articulation.
- Regent Dorothy Gallagher Visit Regent Gallagher will address Senate at the December full Senate meeting.
- Room Key In January a list of individuals holding a key(s) to the institutional buildings will be distributed to employees. The employees are requested to verify that these keys are actually in possession.
- Administration Faculty Position at UNR A job recruitment description was provided through the Office of the President to faculty for a Faculty Senate Manager, non-tenure track, position at UNR.
- Regent's Scholar Award The nomination deadline is Tuesday, November 30 at 5:00 p.m. Contact Vice President for Student Services Lynn Mahlberg.
- Cookbook Book Dr. Frank Daniels has a new book available for purchase for lovers of cookbooks.
- INT 100 Faculty are encouraged to attend at least one of the three sessions for advising purposes. The assessment committee is interested in reviewing alternative orientation methods.
- December Refreshments Richard Kampf agreed to provide refreshments for the December meeting. Vice President McFarlane was thanked for providing the refreshments for the present meeting.
- Michelle Hammon Urain thanked faculty for their assistance and support in her new position as Interactive Video Coordinator.
- ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2:46 p.m. Senate will convene on Friday, December 10, at 1:15 p.m. in GTA 130.