November 14, 2003

Members Present: P. Anderson, G. Avent, P. Bagley, E. Bateman, D. Bolinder, D. Borino, A. Cates, P. Cortez, F. Daniels, K. Dannehl, D. Elmore, J. Emerson, P. Fox, G. Goicoechea, G. Hanington, G. Heberer, E. Henderson, C. Hyslop, L. Hyslop, D. Jones, P. Josey, R. Kampf, J. King, P. Klem, J. Licht, K. Martin, M. McFarlane, K. Mowrey, L. Owens, C. Pyatt, J. Rice, B. Robertson, S. Rombough, J. Rosenthal, S. Sanders, K. Schwandt, J. Smith, G. Tenney, L. Uhlenkott, P. Warren

Others Present: Vice President for Academic Affairs Betty Elliott

  1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:18 p.m. Chair Daniels declared a quorum present. Four proxy votes were noted.
  2. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Chair Daniels welcomed everyone to Senate.
  3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the October 17, 2003, meeting were unanimously approved with the following clarifications:
    1. Chair Daniels made specific note of the Education and Survey positions which were added to the minutes after full Senate adjourned. There also an existing line position in Winnemucca which will be acted upon at the discretion of the Director. The Personnel Committee Chair would prefer to be informed of positions which are under consideration as soon as possible to avoid confusion.
    2. The vote regarding support for the performance of “The Vagina Monologues” to be held on campus noted one opposing vote. The member issuing the opposing vote was present to rescind the vote based on information garnered outside the meeting. The minutes will reflect a unanimous approving vote.
    1. Additional Positions – A Housing Director Coordinator and the Reference Librarian position which did not originate with the Senate were brought forward for informational purposes.
      1. The Housing Coordinator position will be an A-Contract position. The individual sought should have a background in property management and will supervise the resident assistants. It is preferred that the individual have residence near the college.
      2. The Reference Librarian post is an existing line recently opened after a promotional opportunity was acted upon. Gary Avent was congratulated on his recent acceptance of the Library Director position.
    2. Criminal Justice – The Senate approved a combined position of Social Sciences/Social Work/Criminal Justice. President's Council requested clarification of the department's request to which the department responded. However, an Administrative action based on assessment provided by Cliff Ferry, which included a student survey, divided the position. Advertised will be Social Sciences/Social Work and Criminal Justice. The qualifications requested by the department for the Social Sciences/Social Work position will remain as submitted. The action taken prior to full Senate which hampered information reaching the department and the Personnel Committee.
      1. The President hopes to meet with the Social Sciences department soon to answer questions and listen to argument.
      2. Department Chairs want it made known that the Chairs did not prioritize the list and that actions taken with regards to the list occurred outside their knowledge. Department Chairs were informed that the process followed by the Personnel Committee mirrored the practice established last academic year. The procedure will return to the hands of Department Chairs through approved written procedure passed by the Senate at the last full meeting. The Personnel Committee requests that when questions of process arise that the committee be contacted in order to clarify.
      3. All positions will be advertised as “pending funding.” When the amount of qualified position applicants are realized, if the number exceeds funding, Department Chairs will be asked to further prioritize the positions to ensure that critical needs are met.
    1. Assessment Committee – Oral report; approved with two opposed. On January 14-15, during the morning hours, a faculty forum will be called. The forum is to directly address the criticism by the accreditation team regarding measurement of learning outcomes for the general education program, general education courses and individual/departmental programs. The process is currently under development by the committee but will be finalized prior to the forum. Arrangements for faculty who will already be in class are being negotiated and adjunct faculty will be invited to attend. The committee requests formal support for required faculty attendance at the forum. Faculty showed concerned for the required attendance; however, the committee argues that the college has a responsibility to put forward a good faith effort to resolving the criticism. In an effort to seek consistency in methodology with minimal disruption, the forum prior to semester start seems the most favorable maneuver. A motion was made to support faculty attendance at the forum and was passed with two opposed.
    2. Compensation and Benefits – Written report; information only. No committee representative was in attendance to present the report. Chair Daniels summarized the report for the Senate.
      1. The travel request for Eric Bateman was approved at half due to the balance of the account with the remaining funds sought through the office of the VPAA. Four travel requests which specifically dealt with travel for administrative duties were forwarded to the VPAA for funding.
      2. The committee was informed of workload policies dated October 21, 2003, of which the committee is unware and asks for information on origination. Information from VP Diekhans regarding workload has been postponed until the next committee meeting. Workload and the governing policies continue to vary without clear explanations.
      3. A statement from the AAUP was provided for Senate information in response to the system-wide discussion on workload issues and the efforts outside of teaching which faculty undertake:

        “Higher education works best when faculty members teach with enthusiasm, engage in scholarly activities and research, and are deeply committed to collegial, community, and professional service. ...Ideally they reinforce each other, to the benefit of students and institutions and as major motives and sources of satisfaction in the life and career of each faculty member. We distort the enterprise of higher education if we attempt to separate these endeavors, or to define them as essentially competitive rather than as complementary.”

    3. Budget/Facilities – Written Report; approved.
      1. The committee recommended approval for the expansion of the math lab into Lundberg 7; the room adjacent to the lab and currently occupied by the National Guard but which will be vacated upon completion of their building remodel. The committee requests that at least temporarily the walls remain in tact pending the outcome of the Title III grant proposal. An opening between the two rooms will be installed. The math lab requests the room due to the volume of students which utilize the space for tutorial as well as self-paced classes. The noise level is disruptive to those students who need study time. A motion was made tand unanimously passed to accept the proposal.
        1. There was a previous proposal to utilize Lundberg 7 as an adjunct faculty workspace. The committee is seeking a more convenient space to house this workroom; possibly to McMullen Hall, room 222, currently occupied by the EMS program. Previous proposal called for a room to be utilized by adjunct faculty, not specifically Lundberg 7; therefore, no motion to rescind is necessary.
        2. The Welding and Diesel department requested exploration for the expansion of their lab space. The proposal requests that the Welding facilities and Diesel areas be connected by a 60' x 70' expansion providing both departments large bays with roll up doors which could be accessed by a straight line from the entry gate. The proposal also includes coverage of the walkway between Lundberg and GTA to cut down on the ice coverage which lasts through the winter months. A motion was made and unanimously passed to accept the proposal.
    4. Curriculum and Articulation – Written report; approved.
      1. HIST 401 continues to be under consideration but should reach resolution by the next Senate meeting.
      2. ANTH 455 was recommended for approval.
      3. The committee requested clarification and record regarding the articulation of the agricultural program. Chair Daniels will forward to the committee the necessary information.
    5. Distance Education – Written report; approved.
      1. Scott Neilson will be acting as the GBC representative to the oversight of UCCSN's intellectual property rights requirements.
      2. The committee is looking at achieving measurable outcomes for both host and remote sites. The course must meet specific objectives. The question occurs with regards to the remote-site student receiving the same level of instruction as the host site or a live class. There are some lapses which are not correctable; however, students must not feel left out or left behind in terms of the quality of education received. The feedback from student evaluations is helpful; breaking these evaluations out by site could be even more telling.
    6. Personnel Committee – Written report; information only.
      1. The committee met earlier in the day and announced that Genie Goicoechea and Sarah Sweetwater are recommended for sabbatical leave for the 2004-2005 academic year. A reserve selection of Bret Murphy was recommended. The recommendations will be forwarded to President Killpatrick as procedure indicates.
      2. The committee will oversee the recruitment for a position within the COT department. The position is an existing line requiring no Senate action. Inquiries should be fielded to the COT department. The committee will move on the position as necessary.
    1. BAIPS – Oral report; information only. A program newsletter is pending. The program handbook has reached a temporary stoppage due to the call to include program outcomes.
    2. BAS – Oral report; information only. Close to surveying emphasis. More information will be forthcoming.
    3. Secondary Ed – Oral report; information only. The committee approved a core curriculum of 29 credit hours. The credits include two seminar practices of four hours each, foundations, field experience, psychology and internship/capstone.
  7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: No unfinished business was brought forward.
    1. Regent's Award Nominations – A call was made for nominations for the Researcher, Creativity, Teaching, Advising and Scholar Awards. Nominations should be submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs. The Teaching award is a competitive award among the community colleges in the system with a monetary stipend; more than one nominee is recommended. The advisory award also includes a monetary stipend and anyone who is involved in advising students is eligible.
      1. Lynette Macfarlan was nominated for the Outstanding Teaching Award. The nomination was unanimously accepted.
      2. Dwight Glass was nominated for the Outstanding Student/Scholar Award. The nomination was unanimously accepted.
      3. Georgeanna Smith was nominated for the Outstanding Advising Award. The nomination was unanimously accepted.
    2. MFA to Column 5 of the Faculty Salary Schedule – The original motion came from CCSN which proposes that faculty holding a Master of Fine Arts Degree be moved to the Ph.D. column within the salary schedule since the MFA is a terminal degree. Information by CCSN in favor of the proposal was provided to the Senate. No argument against has been provided. GBC President's Council argued that the MFA is currently in a column developed specifically to give them appropriate compensation and merit above a standard master's degree and would add a considerable cost for the institution. Furthermore, the proposal may be giving credit to a degree not extended to other terminal degrees. The Nevada Chapter of the National Faculty Alliance, the Chancellor and several Regents support the move. Approval could set a precedent and open discussion for other terminal degrees. A motion was made and unanimously approved.
    3. December Faculty Senate Meeting – The December meeting of the academic year was scheduled to be held if needed. The Senate has been able to keep on top of business at hand. However, the BAS program is planning to bring the Survey Program to Senate for approval at that time. Curriculum and Articulation will also have some business pending. A motion was made and unanimously accepted to forego the December meeting of Faculty Senate but to hold necessary business and action via email.
    1. Christmas Party Planning Volunteers – The Faculty is asked to consider assisting with the planning of the campus Christmas Party. The party is planned for December 5 at the Senior Citizen's Center. Thos interested are asked to contact Mardell Wilkins in the Office of the President.
    2. Adjunct Salary Increase – Though not scheduled for immediate effect, Vice President for Administrative Services Carl Diekhans increased the original adjunct salary proposal by $10/hour and an increased overload pay to $500/credit.
    3. Senate Goodies – Dr. Anna Cates was thanked for providing the refreshments for the day's meeting. Volunteers for refreshments at the February meeting will be decided at a later date.
  10. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2:32 p.m.