November 15, 2002

MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Avent, P. Anderson, P. Bagley, D. Borino, J. Cox, F. Daniels, K. Dannehl, J. Emerson, H. Estes, W. Fisk, L. Frazier, G. Goicoechea, E. Henderson, C. Hyslop, L. Hyslop, D. Jones, N. Kelly, J. Kempster, B. Kern, J. King, J. Larson, M. LaSalle, K. Martin, C. McMullen, B. Murphy, E. Nickel, L. Owens, M . Ports. M. Puccinelli, C. Pyatt, L. Reber, B. Robertson, S. Rombough, J. Rosenthal, R. Schaffner, J. Shrock, G. Skivington, D. Smith, G. Smith, P. Smith, T. Staley, S. Sweetwater, G. Tenney, S. Thompson, L. Uhlenkott, P. Warren, J. Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: Vince Norelli, Grant Consultant

  1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS : Chair Pete Bagley welcomed everyone to Senate.
  2. GRANT CONSULTANT VINCE NORELLI: Vince Norelli spoke to the Senate with regards to faculty input on the Title III grant proposals. Interested faculty are urged to come forward to participate in the grant process.
    1. Title III Grants, authorized by the Title III of the Higher Education Act of 1965, are used to strengthen institutions. Applicant institutions must have a high percentage of low-income students and have educational and general expenditures at the lowest threshold per full-time enrollment. The application is a two-part document with the first part outlining the need and the second part offering the solution to the need. The grants are a five year grant at $365,000 per year. Twenty percent of the awarded grant may be set up in an 20-year endowment; however, this currently requires a matching amount of non-federal monies. The application is limited to 100-page proposals although the judging criteria does not correspond to the size limitation and will not be revised until next year. GBC can expect 60-70 applications to be awarded out of 200-250 possible applications. A concept document has been distributed to faculty via the department chairs. Suggestions, changes and inclusions to the document are welcome. Contact Jeanie Rosenthal, Grants Writer, for more information.
    2. The faculty is asked to participate. Dr. Killpatrick has indicated that faculty participation outside their contracts could possibly be compensated.
  3. ATTENDANCE: Silent roll was taken. Chair Pete Bagley declared a quorum present.
  4. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:19 p.m.
  5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made and accepted (one opposed, one abstention) to defer approval the minutes of the October 18. A desire for amendment was made prior to the meeting; however, the individual was not in attendance to present the proposed changes. The minutes will be voted on via email.
    1. President's Council - The Senate request for a faculty representative seat on the President's Council was denied by President Killpatrick.
    2. UCCSN Code Changes - A copy of the proposed changes was distributed to faculty. Faculty of UNLV and CCSN have accepted the proposal and are seeking similar confirmation from the other institutions in the System. UNR has indicated acceptance. The revisions are an attempt to give a greater legal binding to institutional bylaws. Revisions to the code may only be recommended to the BoR and are not an automatic inclusion. An alternative to the code revisions would be the inclusion of specific language within faculty employment contracts.
    3. Institutional Policy - The GBC Master Plan and Mission Statement are up for review. Most of the information will be available through the accreditation report. The VPAA is asking for faculty input. The Senate appointed responsibility of the documents to Department Chairs for review and revision since the documents pertain specifically to departmental academic matters. The document should be completed prior to the end of the semester.
    4. Hires - Departments are advised to prepare a prioritized position list. There is indication that the projected budget shortfall may not be as extensive therefore freeing hiring funds. The budget shortfall now is projected at approximately $240 million if the current economic trend continues.
    5. NV Open Meeting Laws - A telephone conversation with UCCSN Legal Council indicated that Faculty Senate Meetings do not fall under the Open Meeting Laws. This will free Senate to discuss maneuvers of handling routine functions through web-based technology. Chair Bagley will seek more information from other instructors and will meet with Lisa Frazier to discuss alternatives. Planning will be brought back to Senate for approval.
    1. Academic Standards - Written report.
      1. Friday utilization is under review by Chair Bagley and the Committee. Alternatives will be brought to Senate.
      2. A joint calendar for GBC and the Elko County School District is under development with the assistance of Kevin Melcher, ECSD Human Resources Director.
      3. The academic calendar scheduling will be deferred to Department Chairs.
      4. After recommendation for inclusion of a statement in the catalog indicating that students may not enroll in more than one course which begins at the same time, a motion was made and unanimously passed to defer the statement to individual syllabi wherein mandatory attendance requirements will be stated.
      5. The committee recommends that Department Chairs recommend a policy indicating that the faculty return date each semester be reduced to one week prior to the start of classes. Faculty currently return two weeks prior which is outside the norm for other System institutions. Individual contracts to not address mandatory return dates, only the number of required instruction days and advising hours. Senate determined that such a policy should be an effort of the Senate and not Department Chairs. A motion was made and unanimously passed to accept a recommendation to administration that faculty return one week prior to the start of classes.
      6. The committee recommends that AP test scores be accepted for college credit, but not for credit hours. Acceptance of scores for credits hours will only affect a small number of students as the exams are difficult and a decision against may hinder a student's decision to attend GBC. Faculty wish that the same number of credit hours for graduation be required in each discipline thus pushing forward a student's education. The acceptance of the test scores will allow students to enroll in higher division courses. A motion was made and a role call vote produced 19:13 in favor of accepting the scores for college credit but not credit hours. AP scores will be forwarded to department chairs for credit assessment.
    2. Curriculum and Articulation - Written report; unanimously approved. BUS 292 and MGT 480 were accepted for articulation.
    3. Facilities - Oral report; information only.
      1. Faculty previously requested that safety crossing be instituted on Elm Street between the High Tech Center and the campus. School zone speed will be imposed, crosswalks installed and parking eliminated on one side of Elm; however, it may be spring before the city will be able to institute these improvements. The Police Department are working the area during EHS lunch hours which has had a great impact on speed reduction.
      2. The Heritage Manor abatement will be overseen by Converse Consultants after Public Works pulled the necessary $75,000 to complete the project. The college will need to absorb this cost. The bidding for the abatement will post on November 18, to close November 27 with work scheduled to begin in January.
    4. Personnel - Oral report; information only.
      1. As a follow up to last month's comments regarding a faculty handbook, contact was made with Human Resources and no such handbook is in existence but is being organized. HR will see that the information is placed online in lieu of continually re-publishing updated paper copies. There is no expected completion date for this implementation.
      2. The applications for sabbatical were reviewed with recommendation from the committee forwarded to Dr. Killpatrick. Recommendations will be withheld until Dr. Killpatrick's decision. There were five applications for consideration.
    5. Scholarships and Awards - Written report; approved with one opposed.
  8. DEPARTMENT CHAIRS: The procedure for constructing the fall 2003 course schedule will follow the system instituted for the spring 2003 semester.
  9. CHANCELLOR JANE NICHOLES / REGENT MARCIA BANDERA: Regent Dorothy Gallagher has officially retired as Regent for GBC. The Regent position is an elected position; however, since Mrs. Gallagher retired mid-term, Marcia Bandera, former Superintendent of Schools for the Elko County School District, accepted the appointment and will complete the vacated term. Ms. Bandera was officially sworn in on November 15, 2002, at 2:30 p.m. Following the induction ceremony, Chancellor Nicholes and President Killpatrick accompanied new Regent Marcia Bandera to be welcomed by GBC's Faculty Senate.
    1. Regent Bandera assures Faculty that if she was not committed to the job, she would not have accepted the position. It is her personal belief that those who have an investment in Nevada need to step up to the task of public service when the opportunity arises. She holds herself to a high degree of honesty and expects honesty of those she deals with. She believes that GBC is one of the greatest institutions in the state because of the people employed and the quality of the service which is offered. She is relying on the input of the employees to guide her in her judgements. She welcomes the opportunity to address the Faculty Senate on a more in-depth manner in the near future.
    2. Chancellor Jane Nicholes briefly stated her sadness in losing Dorothy Gallagher in her participation with the BoR on behalf of GBC. Mrs. Gallagher's term covered 22 years of excellent and dedicated service. She entertained questions from Senate.
      1. Faculty would like to know the status on the development of a social work program as a joint effort with UNR. Chancellor Nicholes has had very little participation in the negotiating and planning process for the program. She is unaware of any problems; however, communication needs to come through President Killpatrick of GBC's concerns. Chancellor Nicholes believes the program is moving forward.
      2. Chancellor Nicholes has great support for the BSN program through GBC. At this point, it becomes a budget issue. A conversation with the Governor shows prominent hopes of financial backing if the resources are in place. Comment from other sources has been positive.
    1. Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education - Oral report; information only. Twenty-six applications were received for enrollment in the Spring 2003 semester. Of these, 2 were denied admission, 14 have received their letter of acceptance, 10 are being held for miscellaneous information requirements. This should bring approximately 20 new program students for the spring semester. Lisa Frazier and Bonnie Holfand are working on a Special Education Endorsement for the program. Lisa Frazier is working on a Technology Endorsement for the program.
    2. Bachelor of Arts in Integrative and Professional Studies - Report withdrawn.
    3. Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Written report; information only. A letter and questionnaire was posted on November 15. The program will be presented to the hospital administration the week of November 18 since they are the largest employer of GBC's graduates. Similar presentations will be given to other employers in the area. Targeting interested individuals and getting them enrolled in prerequisite courses will be a significant key to the program's success. The advertising for the program director position will be out as soon as possible with the position in place by summer.
  11. OLD BUSINESS: No old business was brought forward.
    1. Bylaw Changes - Discussion only. Minutes show that the question of Senate membership has been debated since the 2000 academic year. Examples of Senate bylaws from TMCC, CCSN and UNR were presented for comparison indicating that GBC's policy is still more liberal than that of the other institutions (WNCC and UNLV were not presented because access was not available online). A new model was presented by Secretary Frank Daniels. The model states within the Senate designated departments of Administrative, Student Services and Foundation, any non-teaching faculty member who supervises another non-teaching faculty member is exempt from voting privileges in the Senate. A list of the effected designations will be brought to the President of the institution at the beginning of the fall semester and after new hires or personnel changes. Any other alterations will be subject to the agreement of the President. This will not prevent the individuals from representation at Senate. Debate centers around fairness and consistency when developing a working model. It is essential that individual persons are not stricken arbitrarily or because of personality conflicts. The Senate may consider a greater checks and balances with the bylaws by incorporating provisions for impeachment of its officers. It was reiterated that the question of membership has been an ongoing issue and that while the argument may cause derision, it is a matter that does need clear definition. The current model allows Senate offices and voting power to be given to supervisory staff (except for the President and Vice Presidents). The proposed model is not perfect (some supervisors will still be allowed a voice along with their subordinates) but may be a better alternative to altering the voting ratio for specific departments. The item was tabled for further discussion and possible vote at the next Senate meeting.
    2. Part-Time Faculty - The item was tabled until the next Senate meeting.
    3. E-mail System - A new online system is in place. The system gives GBC local control over email; gives the ability of shared calendars; offers resources for scheduling; gives additional web access; has viewers which enable access to documents despite software used for origination; has better protection against viruses; eliminates incompatibilities normally encountered with the constant updates by Netscape; and eliminates the hampering of our system by problems originating in Reno. The new system is more user friendly and integrates with the current email system. The new system is not mandatory, but is believed it will show itself as the preferred system. Training workshops will be provided beginning after Thanksgiving.
  13. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: No informational items were brought forward.
  14. RECESS: The meeting was recessed at 3:37 p.m. Senate lost quorum during the discussion pertaining to membership. A call for adjournment will be held via email.

November 20, 2002

Senate Voting Representatives were notified via email on November 20, at 2:51 p.m. that the following business required a vote which will allow the Senate to convene on December 6 with a regular agenda. Senate is reminded that quorum equals half the voting representatives plus one indicating that 26 votes are required at this time to act on the motions.

  1. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL: The revised minutes of the October 18, 2002, meeting were circulated to the voting representatives. Summation of the proposed changes was noted.
    1. Department Chairs - The preliminary reporting of item 4 of the report should read, "Janie Moore outlined a proposal for classified staff to administer evaluations for part-time faculty. The move is an attempt to make the evaluation process more efficient and complete. A similar process may be considered for full-time faculty and will be discussed at a later meeting."
    2. It was determined that Laura Smith meets the requirements for inclusion in Senate. Laura is the DARS Specialist operating out of Carson City. She was removed from "Others Present" and added to the regular roll.
    3. Vice Chair Joel Shrock made the motion to accept the October 18 minutes as amended, Secretary Frank Daniels seconded the motion. The voting reps were polled via email; the motion passed with 27 votes (17 non-responses).
  2. ADJOURNMENT: The November 15 meeting was not adjourned because quorum was lost. Secretary Frank Daniels made the motion to adjourn the November 15 Faculty Senate meeting, Vice Chair Joel Shrock seconded the motion. The voting reps were polled via email; the motion passed at 26:1 (17 non-responses).