May 13, 2005

Members Present: P. Anderson, S. Bentley, J. Byrnes, J. Cox, T. Crum, F. Daniels, X. Du, D. Ellefsen, D. Elmore, P. Fox, L. Frazier, L. Heise, B. Hofland, M. Howell, C. Hyslop, D. Jones, R. Kampf, P. Klem, J. Larson, M. LaSalle, K. Martin, R. McNally, K. Miller, S. Negrete, E. Nickel, M. Ports, J. Rice, R. Petrucci, M. Puccinelli, C. Pyatt, K. Schwandt, E. Seastedt, G. Skivington, P. Smith, T. Staley, G. Tenney, S. Thomson, L. Uhlenkott, B. Wallace, P. Warren

Others Present: Vice President for Administrative Services Carl Diekhans, President Paul Killpatrick, Vice President for Academic Affairs Mike McFarlane

  1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:20 p.m. Chair Schwandt declared a quorum present. Two written and two verbal proxy votes were noted.
  2. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Chair Schwandt welcomed everyone to Senate. Chair Schwandt welcomed everyone to Senate. Chair Schwandt introduced President Paul Killpatrick to the Senate and wished him a Happy Birthday. Dr. Killpatrick turned 52. VP Diekhans and VP McFarlane were introduced.
  3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the April 22, 2005, meeting was unanimously approved.
  4. PRESIDENT PAUL KILLPATRICK: The following items were presented as part of the Senate Chair report reporting on athletics programs. President Killpatrick provided Senate with a brief update on college initiatives.
    1. New Building – The proposed Electrical/Technical Building on the Elko campus should be breaking ground by late spring of 2006. The funding for furniture and fixtures will need to be secured.
    2. Institutional Budget – Updates have been provided periodically to the GBC community regarding its budgetary situation. The Legislative sub-committee agreed to hold GBC harmless; the vote before the Legislature should concur. There will be some cuts, specifically to professional development; however, the ramifications to overall operation should not be drastic. Vice President for Academic Affairs Carl Diekhans brought forward a proposal of cuts to cover the $350,000 shortage. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
    3. Elko County Economic Development Association -- ECEDA is working on bringing a transloader facility for the area. The diversification of community economic development directly benefits GBC's development. President Killpatrick sits on the ECEDA board.
    4. Elko Clinic Building – Refurbishment of the building continues.
  5. SENATE CHAIR REPORT: Chair Schwandt provided a written report to Senate.
    1. GBC Athletics Programs – Senate requested that Administration be present to provide insight to the proposed athletics programs as a part of GBC's five-year plan, mission statement, faculty positions, etc. The college-town concept is still very much in forethought. A committee was formed consisting of campus representatives as well as community members to discuss the feasibility of hosting sports programs. Any interested individual is welcome to participate. Information regarding meetings will be circulated via email although meetings will be scaled back until ideas to secure funding are fully investigated. Administration is actively researching funding possibilities in order to keep promises made to students. The initial budgetary responsibility is $150,000 per year to cover the costs of transportation, uniforms, facilities, coaching and equipment. An additional $80,000/year will be needed to sustain the program. GBC must solely support the initiative; state funds are not available to system community colleges. Title IX will require gender equality in the programs offered. Tuition waivers had been discussed as a funding possibility but were negated. Other subsidies are under consideration including private donations, and constructing a home to sell at fair market value through donation of land/materials and student labor. Conflicts in community interest such as the incorporation of Habitat for Humanity into Elko County may directly affect this strategy. Administration stated that it is unlikely that programs will be instituted by 2006 and that if funding is not secured the initiative will be dropped. Senate requested consideration of a feasibility study / environmental assessment plan / business plan which addresses budgetary matters, community buy-in, facilities, as well as long-term planning. Senate reiterated to Administration that the college's primary mission is education. Senate requested information on the academic success rate of scholar athletes attending two-year institutions.
    2. 2005-2006 Academic Goals – Vice President for Academic Affairs Mike McFarlane commended Chair Schwandt for her hard work during the academic year. VP McFarlane presented Senate with the goals for the upcoming academic year as viewed by his office. To be addressed are four-year course projection and department commitment; negotiation of course caps within the parameters of agreed workload; proliferation of on-line courses and programs; restructuring of student orientation; providing consistency for all levels of evaluations processes; assurance of documented planning and assessment at all levels of education; consideration of a shared governance model; planning for effective future space utilization on campus; resourcing annual college themes into all facets of the college mission; mentoring; clearly defining “travel' classes and transfer outlines; broadening general education offerings and policy; and creation of additional high school bridge programs.
    3. Graduation – Faculty were notified that they will be seated on stage during the ceremonies. The graduates will be in the first front rows of the auditorium.
    4. Vice Chair Nomination – Prof. Margaret Puccinelli was nominated as Vice Chair for the 2005-2006 academic year. The nomination was unanimously approved.
    5. Bylaw Change – Secretary to the Senate Daniels authored a bylaw change in cooperation with Chair Schwandt to move the transfer of the gavel to the Faculty Senate Chair Elect following the Senate Chair Report of the final Senate meeting of the academic year. The change was made in order to reflect past practices. The wording of the change will read as follows: “As the concluding item of the Senate Chair Report of the last meeting, the Chair Elect shall be the Chair for the next year.” The amendment passed with two opposed.
    6. Transfer of Gavel – Chair Schwandt passed the meeting to Chair Elect Linda Uhlenkott. Chair Uhlenkott presided over the remainder of the meeting.
    1. Academic Standards – Written report; unanimously approved. The definitions of grades were presented to the Senate for approval. The definitions will be published in the general college catalogue. The definitions were unanimously approved as follows:
      1. A: Demonstrates exceptional competence – “A” work demonstrates 1) an ability to transcend the obvious, apply principles innovatively, and relate theoretical concepts to everyday life (resulting insights are often personal and illuminating); 2) a capacity to develop ideas flexibly and fluently, yet with control and purpose.
      2. B: Demonstrates competence – “A” work demonstrates 1) an ability to absorb ideas and experience in understanding concepts and principles and to interpret them meaningfully in a context of the student's own conceptions; 2) a capacity to develop an idea with a clear sense of order.
      3. C: Suggests competence – “C” work demonstrates 1) satisfactory understanding of concepts and principles; 2) applications of classroom-based learning often lacks depth and insight.
      4. D: Suggests incompetence – “D” work demonstrates 1) a frequent inability to express competence; 2) a limited understanding much of the subject matter; 3) lack of commitment or failure to follow instructions.
      5. F: Demonstrates incompetence – “F” work demonstrates 1) work has failed to meet the minimum requirements of the course; 2) student may not be adequately prepared for the following courses.
    2. Adjunct Faculty – No report.
    3. Assessment – No report.
    4. Budget and Facilities – No report.
    5. Bylaws – No report.
    6. Compensation and Benefits – No report.
    7. Curriculum and Articulation – Written report; approved. The committee informed Senate that the matrix distributed as part of the agenda was partly incorrect. The committee informed Senate of the changes.
      1. BUS 102, BUS 117, BUS 373, BUS 299B, MGT 283, and MGT 171 are existing courses reflecting common course numbering changes only. The matrix inaccurately requested approval.
      2. The Spanish Interpreter Certificate was approved.
      3. CIT 301, COT 301, HIST 413 and NURS 338 were approved.
      4. The Education Department was notified that 100 and 200-level education courses must be designated under the EDUC prefix due to the non-acceptance of UNR and UNLV. Further changes are pending through the System-Wide Common Course Numbering Committee. GBC's Common Course Numbering Representative Frank Daniels disagrees with this ruling and will seek more information.
      5. SPAN 199B – Advanced Spanish Conversation and Literature was put in place to allow current advanced students (many of which who have repeated second year instruction) to continue in language education. This course may only be a one semester option with the implementation of a developing course. Senate indicated that the course should indicate that it is a special topics course.
      6. The matrix inaccurately noted approval for the Nursing program. This program has passed all approval processes.
    8. Department Chairs – Verbal report; information only. The Department Chairs dismissed for the academic year with the next meeting scheduled for August 18, 2005. The Chair of Chairs will be decided with the Faculty Senate Committee selections. Department Chairs are reminded to indicate their appointment on the Faculty Senate Committee selection form.
    9. Faculty and Administrative Evaluations – Written report; information only. The committee gave an update on the various modified evaluation mechanisms being implemented.
      1. The new student evaluations of faculty will be tested during summer classes.
      2. The evaluation for non-teaching faculty will be discussed with the eventual implementation of a new form that meets Board of Regents and GBC requirements. The form should be brought forward for Senate approval by the first Senate meeting of the 2005-2006 academic year.
      3. The information received during the recent Administrative Evaluations is being compiled. The committee requested a sense of the Senate on the committee addressing the President directly regarding reoccurring comments on his evaluation. The committee will report to Senate on the President's reactions to the discussion. The President does not need to answer to Faculty by procedure and hierarchy. The Senate is requesting follow-up to the concerns of faculty since faculty does evaluate Administration. Senate questioned if such a maneuver would prompt a stronger evaluation of faculty. The repetitious issues are apparent on the President's evaluation and will be thoroughly discussed by the committee prior to the interview. Human Resources was requested to give input to the process. The interview is to be conducted in a non-confrontational, respectful, informal, professional manner. A motion was made and passed with three opposed and one abstention to accept the interview process with the President to discuss reoccurring issues of the evaluation.
    10. Library – No report.
    11. Personnel – Written report; information only. Chair Puccinelli thanked the committee and the hiring committee chairs and participants for their hard work during the semester.
      1. The committee provided an update on the current faculty hires in relation to budgetary issues.
      2. The committee continues to review and organize the evaluation process for sabbatical leave requests. The policies of other system institutions are being referenced.
      3. The committee discussed the need to expand institutional recruitment to attract qualified individuals of various ethnic backgrounds. The committee is also requesting that the stipend for reimbursement to interviewees be discussed for possible increase.
    12. Student Relations – No report.
    1. BAS –Verbal report; information only. The program has 19 Management and Technology graduates and 1 Instrumentation graduate, 6 students will be receiving certificates.
    2. BAIPS – Verbal report; information only. The committee continues to clean up loose ends from the past years. The program has six students graduating. Three new students were admitted to the program. Frank Daniels will continue as Lead Faculty for the program.
    3. BSN – Written report; information only. The program requested support from departments regarding upper and lower division requirements in order to facilitate students' progress and completion within the proposed five year time period. The committee extends its appreciation to The Academic Success Center for their assistance with the students' final papers.
    4. BSW – No report.
    5. Education – Verbal report; information only.
      1. The committee compiled surveys from the employers who hired the program student teachers.
      2. During their review with the Department of Education with the Elementary Education program receiving high scores in all areas. The program will receive an operation approval extending seven years.
      3. The Secondary Education program concentration areas of Social Sciences, Math, Biological Science, Career and Technical Education (emphases in Electronic Technology, Diesel, Welding, Industrial Arts and Agriculture Education) will be recommended for approval through the Department of Education for a period of one year wherein additional operation will be sought for approval. Early Childhood and Computer Technology were pulled from the concentration approval due to the inability by the Department of Education to interpret a stipulation.
      4. The program requests that the Teacher Education Committee and the Secondary Education Committee be combined to lighten workload and to ensure that program content remains strong.
  8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: No unfinished business was brought forward.
    1. General Education Committee – The Executive Committee discussed the need to reestablish the General Education Committee. This will be on the agenda in the fall with the proposed bylaws amendment. The Assessment Committee and the Curriculum and Articulation Committee will discuss the responsibilities. A clear process will be part of the description.
    2. Committee Assignments – Committee selection forms will be distributed to faculty via email and are due to Chair Uhlenkott by May 19.
    3. INT 100 – Student comments regarding the sections will be compiled. Development of the orientation into a one-credit course is currently being discussed and will be submitted through the Curriculum and Articulation Committee and Senate for approval.
    1. Students with Special Needs – (This item was presented out of order to meet the schedule of Ms. Byrnes.) Julie Byrnes is the institutional ADA Officer. Information regarding the college's policy in assisting students with disabilities was distributed to faculty. The policies are currently under revision. Students with disabilities should be directed to Julie Byrnes who will assess the student and contact faculty with what is considered reasonable accommodations (if any are required). A follow-up with the student and the faculty will be conducted at semester's end to provide documentation. There are limitations to the accommodations which are to be provided; i.e., the accommodations cannot alter the program or disrupt the nature of the course, or be unduly burdensome either financially or administratively. Faculty who include ADA statements on their syllabi are asked to review their statements for validity. An acceptable statement is as follows: “GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Officer (Julie Byrnes) in Elko at 775.753.2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.”
    2. Shared Governance – A committee will be established to discuss the issues of shared governance for the campus. Interested faculty members should contact Chair Uhlenkott.
    3. GBC Humanities Committee -- The committee met to discuss the Great Basin Festival. Celebrating the Great Basin which will include more academic activities but will incorporate the balloon glow and a concert. The committee hopes to encourage more participation by the faculty and the students. The Humanities Committee was established to provide cohesion and coordination among the various programs currently undertaken by individuals and departments. The faculty are asked to provide input and encourage student participation.
    4. Refreshments in August – Senate officers will discuss having the first meeting of the academic year off-campus. The Winnemucca campus volunteered to bring refreshments as backup; otherwise providing refreshments in September. A decision will be made closer to the date.
  11. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comments were made.
    1. Newmont EMT/Fire Rescue – The group tested for the national registry. The program was coordinated by Robert Petrucci.
    2. State Health Insurance Plan -- This is month is open enrollment date for the state health insurance plan.
    3. State Retirement Options – This month is the deadline for flexible spending enrollment.
  12. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 3:07 p.m. Senate will convene in August.