May 14, 2004
Members Present: P. Anderson, P. Bagley, E. Bateman, J. Baumann, D. Bolinder, P. Cortez, F. Daniels, K. Dannehl, X. Du, D. Elmore, H. Estes, P. Fox, G. Goicoechea, G. Heberer, E. Henderson, B. Hofland, C. Hyslop, L. Hyslop, D. Jones, P. Josey, R. Kampf, J. Kempster, J. King, P. Klem, J. Larson, M. LaSalle, K. Martin, M. McFarlane, C. McMullen, D. Moore, P. O'Hanahan, L. Owens, C. Pyatt, J. Rice, B. Robertson, S. Rombough, J. Rosenthal, L. Sanchez-Saenz, K. Schwandt, J. Shaw, R. Siler, G. Skivington, Ja. Smith, P. Smith, T. Staley, S. Sweetwater, G. Tenney, L. Uhlenkott, P. Warren, J. Williams
Others Present: Vice President for Academic Affairs Betty Elliott
- CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m. Chair Daniels declared a quorum present.
- WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Chair Daniels welcomed everyone to Senate. Dr. Jay Larson was thanked for the wonderful refreshments of Asian influence which he and his wife provided for the meeting.
- GREAT BASIN FESTIVAL: A presentation by Prof. Sarah Sweetwater outlined the successes and possibilities of the Great Basin Festival. The presentation highlighted the 2003 activities. The 2004 festival will showcase the Chinese/Asian Culture. The festival will partner with several other community-based events to promote Elko as a travel destination. Sarah Sweetwater was thanked for her tremendous effort in establishing the festival and creating partnerships with the community. Marilee Harper-Harrison was thanked for her direction during the 2003 festival. Deputy to the President Danny Gonzales, Public Information Officer John Rice and Continuing Education Director Pat Warren have been named Project Director for 2004.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the April 2, 2004 meeting were unanimously approved.
- Passing of the Gavel Prof. Kathy Schwandt was officially installed as the Senate Chair for the 2004-2005 academic year. Kathy was presented various gifts to assist her in her upcoming term including regular and industrial strength gavels, official GBC hardhat, Advil, and a brief guidebook of duties. Kathy was also presented with a one-of-a-kind production of Educopoly; an original board game constructed by Dr. Frank Daniels and Prof. Eric Bateman, based on the Parker Brothers Monopoly game, which spoofs the intricacies of the Nevada System of Higher Education. Chair Schwandt thanked Dr. Frank Daniels for his hard work this past academic year. Chair Schwandt indicated that she is a fan of short meetings, highlighted reports, and would require assistance in complying with Robert's Rules of Order.
- Interim Chancellor Jim Rogers System Senate Chairs met with the new Interim Chancellor via IAV. Rogers volunteered for the position and shows a pertinent interest in developing a positive interest in higher education in Nevada. He believes in governance by faculty and welcomes input from students. He views education as a product, which is not optimal; however, he believes in providing a quality product to the consumer. Private funding initiatives are of interest to him. Rogers enjoys a good relationship with the Governor and the Legislators and claims to like all the Regents. He is not a micromanager and will admit ignorance when unfamiliar with circumstances.
- Adjunct Faculty Written report; information only. The committee has met three times during the semester; the minutes of the meetings were distributed to Senate.
- The committee hopes to identify three to five major issues or initiatives yearly. Current issues include workroom facilities, overcrowded mailboxes, and revision of the adjunct handbook. The priorities for the fall are forthcoming following survey results.
- The committee is in the process of collecting data with regards to adjunct faculty instruction.
- It was determined that interpretation of the Faculty Senate Bylaws with regards to adjunct faculty indicates both adjunct representatives to Senate hold voting power. Adjuncts are allowed two representatives to Senate. Senate normally operates on a 2:1 voting ratio for compartmental representatives. This is the only exception.
- Sean Thompson will be working on an adjunct faculty website and an e-newsletter is being discussed.
- There is discussion of compensation for adjuncts serving as Senate committee representatives. Adjuncts most often hold employment responsibilities outside the college making representative obligations intrusive.
- Cindy Hyslop is working on an adjunct faculty employment application which is more conducive to the positions. The application will be brought before Senate and President's Council for approval.
- Assessment Written report; unanimously approved.
- The committee concentrated on faculty compliance with the assessment procedure implemented at the beginning of the spring semester. The procedure calls for inclusion of learning objectives in individual syllabi; figures show 81% incorporation. Department Chairs are responsible for ensuring that adjuncts in their departments are in compliance with procedures. The committee will continue to schedule consultation sessions as deemed necessary.
- The committee has designated Linda Uhlenkott as chair of the committee for the 2004-2005 academic year. Membership term for the committee extends for two years to provide continuity.
- Budget and Facilities Oral report; information only.
- The equipment money is ready for expenditure. Departments are instructed to spend their money before the end of summer.
- Expansion of the Welding shop is not feasible due to the position of existing utility lines. Expansion on the opposite side of the building is being discussed.
- Compensation and Benefits Written report; unanimously approved.
- The committee presented the most recent proposal addressing merit increases for senior faculty. The proposal does include FTE count. However, agreement with Administration may discount FTE if the proposal utilizes the TMCC model for classification of Satisfactory, Commendable and Exceptional. The committee recommends that the Faculty Senate Faculty and Administrative Evaluations Committee consider the proposal.
- Within the Faculty Workload Policy, the committee recommends the insertion of the following language as pertains to faculty underload:
Any faculty carrying less than the stated number of workload credits for their position in any given semester can expect to have their duties assigned to them after consultation with their department chair and the Vice President for Academic Affairs, who will make suggestions from the following options: . . .
- The committee, where pertinent, recommended that current members request continued placement on the committee for the next academic year.
- Curriculum and Articulation Written report; approved with one opposed.
- The following courses were recommended to Senate for approval: ECON 307, ART 338, EMS 112B, ANS 205, ANS 207, ANS 215, AGR 101, AGR 105, EDU 447, SW 310, SW 311, SW 321. SW 220 was relieved from the report as it had previously been approved. SW 311 was an amended inclusion to the report as an established transfer course to the 3+ 1 Social Work Program.
- The following course/program amendments were recommended to Senate for approval: MATH 120 replacing MATH 109B requirement for the Business Certificate programs, the broadening of human relations course options within the Criminal Justice program (based on WNCC and CCSN inclusions).
- TA 108B was tabled; however, the committee agreed to meet before the start of fall semester in order to approve the course prior to undertaking.
- Prof. Richard Kampf has agreed to remain Chair of the committee for the 2004-2005 academic year.
- The committee would like to recommend to faculty that submissions be available to the committee a minimum of 3-4 working days prior to committee meeting. The committee welcomes faculty at each meeting in order to defend their submissions. These steps insure that business is being taken care of accurately and in a timely manner.
- The committee is reiterating procedure with regards to new general education courses. New gen ed courses must be brought to the committee at least for review. Curriculum and Articulation should in no way have oversight in terms of assessment.
- Distance Education Written report; information only; subsequent action taken. The committee requests that the faculty read the distributed three-year plan and bring comments to the committee. Several points are in need of discussion such as establishing an online component for each course and the development of pilot distance education certificates and degree programs. A motion was made and unanimously accepted to form a faculty development workshop to discuss the proposal openly.
- Personnel Oral report; information only. There will be several search committees which will need to be established during the summer months. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will be solicited for compensation for service provided by faculty.
- BAIPS AHA program will be presented at the June Board of Regents meeting to be held at GBC. Approval is anticipated.
- BAS Written report; information only. The BAS Advisory Board met on campus on April 29; minutes distributed to faculty. The bachelor graduates have been invited to a luncheon on Friday, May 21.
- UNFINISHED BUSINESS: No unfinished business was brought forward.
- Linda Uhlenkott was elected Vice Chair for the 2004-2005 academic year.
- Frank Daniels was elected Secretary for the 2004-2005 academic year.
- Workload The following items were brought to Senate for clarification or resolution.
- Lab Pay Ratio This pay ratio refers to non-lecture courses which include science labs and clinical situations. The current workload policy for labs is 20:1. A previous action on January 11, 2002 lowered the ratio for occupational education courses from 20:1 to 15:1 which is in accordance with other system institutions. Other programs affected have been negotiating outside the policy for compensation. Each department affected by clinicals or labs will draft a recommendation and submit it to the Compensation and Benefits Committee for discussion. A motion was made and unanimously accepted to enforce the current policy until subsequent recommendation can be made by Compensation and Benefits.
- A Contract Faculty On September 15, 2000 a motion was made and unanimously approved to stipulate that non-instructional faculty be required to be on campus 35 per week which is identical to other UCCSN institutions. It is evident that no employee possibly affected work a 35-hour week. There was also discussion as to the definition of the employees affected: librarians, counselors, and A contract instructional faculty. Counselors system-wide operate on a B contract. A contract instructional faculty positions do not exist. State regulations may stipulate that an A contract requires a 40-hour work week; however, telephone communications have failed to produce clarification. A motion was made and unanimously approved to enforce the approved policy and send the issue to the Compensation and Benefits committee for discussion.
- Lead Faculty Workload April 18, 2003 senate minutes produced a lead faculty workload policy set at 9 credits per semester (6 credit reduction) to be paid by a B+30 contract. We are uncertain if this motion was subsequently approved by Administration. The compensation feasibility of the proposal should be taken into consideration. If a lead faculty member teaches more than 9 credits she/he can be reasonably compensated for overload pay. The definition for compensation should be discussed as there is lead faculty for associate-level programs in addition to directorships for specific programs. It was noted that a number of instructional positions are held vacant from year to year for budgetary reasons. A motion was made to approve a policy such that if a faculty member serves as lead faculty for a program in addition to serving as department chair, then the 9 semester credits (6 credit reduction) policy should be pertinent. This motion failed 18:11 (3 abstentions). A motion was made and approved 20:9 (7 abstentions) to endorse the interpretation of the minutes of the April 18, 2003 meeting as written.
- Headcount Overload Computation There is no formal, written policy on the formula initiated by the Vice President for Academic Affairs which gives overload across the board at 110% of 21 students per class. Vice President for Administrative Services Carl Diekhans proposes that anything over 100% of what we are funded for high-, medium-, and low-level classes would count as headcount overload. It was noted that the current policy states compensation at $45/student. This rate should coordinate with the current price per credit, $52.50, and will be changed accordingly. A motion was made and unanimously accepted to retain the current policy initiated by VPAA Betty Elliott with the stipulation that the policy be revisited next academic year.
- Adjunct Salary Report Chair Schwandt is happy to announce that the pay for adjunct faculty will be increased next academic year.
- Good Luck, Betty Elliott Vice President for Academic Affairs Betty Elliott will be stepping down from her position effective June 30. She will be on sabbatical for the fall semester in preparation to return to the classroom. Elliott will join the biology faculty in Spring 2005.
- Regent Elections Regent Bandera has chosen not to run for election. Filing has produced two candidates for consideration: Former GBC Regent Dorothy Gallagher and Former GBC Vice President for Student Services Stan Aiazzi will be on the ballot in November.
- Food for August Larry Hyslop volunteered to bring food for the August meeting. The meeting will be held on campus.
- Senate Committee Assignments Faculty Senate committee assignment forms were distributed to faculty. Assignment forms are due to assistant Chris Mitchell prior to departure for the summer.
- Graduate Brag The faculty congratulated the graduates of 2004. Chair Schwandt will be reading the names of the graduates at the ceremony. She has a list of names for which she requests assistance from former instructors in acquiring correct pronunciation. Faculty is reminded that Phi Beta Lambda will be available to take photographs at the ceremony for a reasonable donation.
- ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Senate recessed for the academic year and will convene in August 2004.