May 12, 2000
MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Avent, E. Bateman, D. Bolinder, D. Borino, B. Byram, F. Daniels, K. Dannehl, R. Doyle, P. Fox, S. Garcia, G. Goicoechea, G. Heberer, E. Henderson, P. Josey, J. Karr, J. Kempster, F. King, M. Kuhl, J. Licht, K. Martin, M. McFarlane, C. McMullen, J. McNally, R. McNally, B. Murphy, E. Nickel, L. Owens, N. Remington, J. Rice, K. Schwandt, J. Shaw, J. Shrock, R. Siler, G. Smith, J. Smith, P. Smith, G. Tenney, J. Williams, M. Wise
OTHERS PRESENT: Pauline Fisher, Distance Education
- ATTENDANCE: Silent roll was taken. Chair Eric Bateman declared a quorum present.
- CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:18 p.m.
- WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS : Chair Eric Bateman welcomed everyone to Senate. Lauren
Ohlin, GBC Marketing Director, who was scheduled to speak on the new school logo is absent due to
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the April 14, 2000, meeting were unanimously approved
with the following addition:
- Under Committee Reports, the Scholarship and Awards Committee presented reports for both
February and April meetings for approval.
- SENATE CHAIR REPORT: Chair Eric Bateman reported the following:
- Vice Chair John Patrick Rice was thanked for chairing the last senate meeting in Eric's absence.
- GBC Web Committee - Committee currently consists of members from computer services, Jan
Kempster, and Bob Robertson. Other faculty are welcomed to be involved. Contact John Patrick
Rice for information.
- Community College Faculty Salary Schedule - The Blue Ribbon Committee has met once with a
favorable response to the proposal by Vice President Carl Diekhans. The proposal was taken
back to the individual campuses for discussion with CCSN questioning aspects of the schedule
and TMCC creating their own proposal (copy distributed) resembling the one formerly originated
by CCSN. There was a call to adopt a schedule similar to the merit-based University Salary
Schedule in an effort to create viable options. TMCC and CCSN are both in favor of a pay scale
which awards the accumulation of credits. Since movement on the schedule will probably happen
for the June BoR meeting, the Faculty Senate meeting will not officially adjourn today. This will
allow Chair-Elect John Rice to meet with faculty during summer for deliberations and possible
- The Senate is not in favor of separating the scale between limits for terminal degrees and
higher degrees.
- There has been delay in the calling of the Blue Ribbon Committee meetings because Tim Ortiz
has been called to accompany Tom Anderes, acting Chancellor, to Oregon.
- Board of Regents -
- Jane Nichols will become the new Interim Chancellor effective July 1upon the departure of
Interim Chancellor Tom Anderes. Interviews for a permanent Chancellor are scheduled to
begin in August with recommendation of a candidate to the BoR in September.
- Carol Harter was awarded a three year extension to UNLV.
- Operating and Capital Budgets Priorities - Cost of living adjustment is the first priority followed
by historical program deficiencies (programs approved but funding never secured) and access
(basic services, etc.). The program will be revised before final approval. The current proposal
offers no funding for GBC's four-year programs. Vice President Carl Diekhans will track this
oversight. The entire UCCSN proposal is 25% above the last request without the inclusion of
funding for the Henderson State College.
- Mission Statement for State Colleges - Approved.
- Henderson State College Mission Statement - Approved with the deletion of the statement
referring to the college as being similar to Oxford University and its pursuit of master's
- Open Letter to Faculty by Vice President Betty Elliott - The letter was offered to the faculty of GBC
for the outstanding work accomplished toward the four-year programs and toward the expansion
and coordination of current programs. A copy of the letter is on file.
- Academic Standards - Written Report. A general list of department chair responsibilities was
brought forward in an effort to maintain consistency and to justify to administration the receipt of
the $675 stipend and the 3 credit release time. For clarification: (1) The word 'maintain' does not
indicate the accomplishment of related clerical duties by a department chair but rather means the
overseeing of said duties; (2) Scheduling duties does not address the summer semester; (3) The
committee has attempted to leave as much of the detail as possible to each department.
- The list appears unrealistic until necessary classified personnel is in place. Current staff is
shared between several departments.
- The Senate wishes the list to be minimized to the sacrifice of possible release time in an effort
to give back certain responsibilities to administration. A clear message must be sent that
faculty are teachers first with the enhancement of teaching through the hiring of part-time
faculty therefore allowing specific instruction-oriented duties to be accomplished through the
utilization of department chairs. A motion was made and unanimously passed to send the
report back to department chairs to accomplish the above.
- Budget - No report
- Compensation and Benefits - Oral Report; passed. Out-of-state travel funds were awarded to Pat
Josey. A draft of the Distance Education document was presented to the committee but no action
was taken.
- Curriculum and Articulation - No Report. The committee met and approved several new courses
in Education, Networking and Bob Robertson's implementation program. The committee also
discussed the B.A.S. program with Mike McFarlane. The information-only report will sent via
- Distance Learning - Written Report. The committee is seeking approval on three separate
documents pertaining to interactive, telecourse and online classes with the general disclaimer of
discretion toward individual departments.
- The reports regarding interactive and online courses were unanimously approved with no
- A motion was made and unanimously approved to table the guidelines for the telecourse
- Intellectual property rights will be discussed next academic year.
- Facilities Committee - No report.
- Faculty and Administrative Evaluations - Oral Report; passed. Administrative Evaluations have
been distributed.
- General Education - No Report. The proposal on the BAS degree was agreed to by the committee
which accepts all AAS degrees from any accredited institution at face value.
- Personnel Committee - Written Report; passed. Seven subcommittees are currently working on
coordinating positions with two substitute positions in line if any of the seven are unable to be
filled. The committee's goal is to complete the interviews and have recommendations by May 18th.
- The committee was asked the status on hiring a full-time foreign language professor. The
responsibility lies with administration and funding along with the humanities department's
commitment to and development of courses to meet the requirements. In the past, enrollment
in the foreign languages has been inconsistent which has nullified any substantial need.
Curriculum and Articulation can research the need.
- Scholarships and Awards - No Report
- Student Relations Committee - No report
- Elementary Education - None
- Bachelor of Arts in Professional Studies - The program has been placed on hold pending the
November BoR meeting. This gives the opportunity to fine-tune the program and gain community
- Bachelor of Applied Science - Administration understood that this proposal had already been
through the Senate process which is an incorrect assumption. The committee is now trying to
rectify the situation. The degree is new to the state; however, GBC is funded to offer the
program. The program will be presented to the BoR when they meet in Elko in June. The
proposed program accepts any AAS degree from any accredited institution although the degree in
the past has been thought of as a terminal degree. It will not be acceptable by the BoR to develop
the program as basically two AAS degrees (i.e., adding two years of more lower division courses)
and they require a smooth transition for all students. The current AAS degree program will be
tightened up in order to prepare the incoming students; therefore, students wishing career training
only will be allowed to pursue a certificate program or a different track AAS degree.
- The contention is that students at the AAS level will not be successful when confronted with
the INT seminars. Argument enforces that those students wishing to pursue the BAS degree
will be committed to their endeavor, perhaps more mature with substantial workforce
background, and are willing to pick up additional courses (lower division if necessary) to
complete their goal. Faculty neither wants to "dumb down" the 300 level courses to meet the
requirements of this degree nor offer students the option of this degree without the required
prep work that the other four-year programs have developed. The Bachelor of Nursing has
worked into their program the general education requirements as this program should.
- A motion was made and unanimously passed to accept the basic framework of the degree with
progressive development. It is noted that there are several items in the framework of which
faculty is not in favor. Mike McFarlane was recognized for his efforts on such a short notice.
- Bachelor of Nursing - Oral Report; passed. A proposal has been drafted and forwarded to
Academic Affairs for review. The program does restructure the two-year courses in order to meet
the general education requirements. No non-existing courses were added or existing classes
dropped and is therefore an information only item. The nutrition class will be dropped from the
two-year program and will integrate the content into nursing with the required 3 credit SPTH 113.
The two-year program will only require 3 credits of psychology with the 3 credits from the
previously required sociology course going to the fine arts. Math will be upgraded from 110 to 112
in preparation for 120. The required BIOL 223 and 224 will remain with the prerequisites.
- Compensation and Benefits Chair - Joel Shrock was voted as the Compensation and Benefits
Chair for the 2000-2001 academic year.
- Faculty Senate Vice Chair - Kathy Schwandt was unanimously elected Faculty Senate Vice Chair
for the 2000-2001 academic year.
- Installation of Faculty Senate Chair - John Patrick Rice was instilled as the Faculty Senate Chair
for the 2000-2001 academic year. It is a time-honored tradition to pass a gavel to the new
authority; however, outgoing Chair Eric Bateman thought that a stronger statement needed to be
made and therefore passed to John Patrick Rice a beautiful new sledge hammer.
- In recognition of his dedicated efforts, Chair Eric Bateman was presented with a paper watch
to commemorate his one-year anniversary (the typical first-year anniversary present is paper)
and a book of "Words of Wisdom from Chair Eric Bateman" prepared by Jackie McNally or
"Mad Musings from a Lunatic Past Chair" with an inscription reading "Oh, the hell with it. Let
John Patrick Rice worry about it next year," which was overhead in the McMullen Hall Men's
Room. The book contains blank pages.
- As his first official business as Senate Chair, John Patrick Rice read a proclamation:
"Eric Bateman became the umpteenth chair of the Great Basin College Faculty Senate on
or about May 14, 1999, and his term of office continued until his elevation from chair at
approximately 3:05 p.m. on May 12, 2000. Pursuant to resolutions of the Great Basin
College Faculty Senate, its committee on academic affairs and the ad hoc on Internet
affairs conducted an inquiry and investigation into alleged misuse of System systems.
Particular charges include chronic silliness and acute wasture of time. As a result of certain
acts of omissions occurring before his elevation from Chair, Eric Bateman has become
liable to possible indictment and trial for offenses against faculty. Whether or not he shall
be prosecuted depends on findings of the appropriate ad hoc committee co-chaired by
Charles "Chuck" Holt, Ph.D., and Gary Heberer, Ph.D., and also depends on the discretion
of the UCCSN Board of Regents. Should an indictment ensue, the accused shall then be
entitled to a fair trial by a jury made up of Elko County Commissioners as guaranteed by the
whimsical interpretation of the United States Constitution. It's believed that a trial of Eric
Bateman, if became necessary, could not fairly begin until a semester or more has elapsed.
In the meantime, the tranquility to which this institution has been restored by the events of
recent weeks can be irreparably lost by the prospects of bringing to trial a former Chair of
the Great Basin College Faculty Senate. The prospects of such a trial will cause prolonged and divisive debate over the propriety of exposing to further punishment and degradation a
man who has already paid the unprecedented penalty of having to sit through nine Board of
Regents meetings.
Now, therefore, I, John Patrick Rice, Chair of the Great Basin College Faculty Senate,
pursuant to the pardon power I have conferred upon myself with my own convenient
interpretation of the Senate Bylaws, have granted and by these presence do grant a full,
free and absolute pardon unto Eric Bateman for all offenses against faculty which he, Eric
Bateman, has committed or may have committed, or may have taken part in during the
period from May 14, 1999, through and/or about 3:05 p.m. May 12, 2000. In witness
thereof, I here unto set my hand this 12th day of May in the year of 2000 and the
establishment of this institution. The 33rd John Patrick Rice."
- Online Book Ordering - The current system causes a significant problem for students without
credit cards or available funds to order the texts pending the receipt of financial aid. Other
problems occur in terms of the ability to instruct students when they are minus the necessary
texts. The recent accreditation visit concluded that the off-campus sites receive the same level of
services as those in attendance at the main campus. This is a false conclusion especially with the
issue of online book ordering. The individual centers seem to refuse to keep texts on hand and
available. The option to continue to purchase online should remain with added options to meet
the needs of students. This issue should be brought to Vice President Elliott's attention. Chair
John Rice will meet with the parties involved and begin work toward a resolution.
- Statement Regarding Online Courses - An email was sent from Gary Heberer seeming to promote
the enrollment of GBC students into CCSN online classes for the summer semester. The intent
may have been a promotion as a service to our students or a call for our faculty to offer similar
services. Given the current situation, release time, technical support, the number of faculty and,
especially in the case of summer, better compensation are issues which need to be cemented
before GBC faculty moves forward into this area of education. While it is understood that there is
a need and demand for more summer courses, faculty neither approves of administration
informing them what they ought to be teaching nor promoting the enrollment of our students into
other institutions. A motion was made and passed 36:1with 1abstaintion in favor of drafting a
formal statement giving the sense of the senate on this issue and forwarded to administration.
- Email Reporting Format - Because different individuals use different word processing software,
the formatting becomes inconsistent and unretrievable off of email. New web page software is
becoming available and the current senate web page will undergo remodeling. With the
assistance of Chris Hughes, a bulletin board for the agenda and reports could possibly be utilized
overcoming any formatting problems.
- OUTSTANDING FACULTY, STUDENT AND STAFF AWARDS: No nominations were brought forward.
- GBC Golf Tournament - The annual tournament will be held Friday, May 19, at Ruby View Golf
- Relay for Life - June 24, 4:00 p.m. through June 25, 10:00 a.m. A car wash will be held during the
weekend and coffee break will be held the following Wednesday in an effort to raise money for the
cause. The committee is currently soliciting walkers for the team.
- ADJOURNMENT: The meeting recessed at 3:36 p.m.