May 14, 1999

MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Avent, P. Bagley, E. Bateman, J. Blach, J. Cox, M. Fenger, P. Fox, G. Goicoechea, E. Henderson, C. Holt, C. Hyslop, P. Josey, M. Kuhl, K. Martin, M. McFarlane, C. McMullen, R. McNally, M. Puccinelli, C. Pyatt, J. Rice, K. Schwandt, G. Smith, J. Smith, P. Smith, M. Swetich, G. Tenney, G. Whitcomb


  1. ATTENDANCE: Silent roll was taken. Chair Jack Smith declared a quorum present.
  2. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:17 p.m.
  3. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS : Chair Jack Smith welcomed Dr. Ron Gordon, Director of Institutional Research at Yuba College in California.
  4. DR. RON GORDON: Excerpts from his previous lecture were given highlighting the necessity of assessment in course placement to meet students' educational goals. He emphasized looking at the whole student, not just academic proficiencies, to determine course level. Multiple measures criteria, i.e. a student's work hours, time allotted to recreational reading, etc., could be incorporated into placement examinations to give a weighted score increasing students' success rates. Workshop information will be forwarded to GBC for interested participants.
  5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the April 16, 1999, meeting were unanimously approved.
  6. SENATE CHAIR REPORT: Chair Jack Smith reported the following:
    1. Board of Regents -
      1. Policy outlawing hazing practices on UCCSN campuses was passed.
      2. 6.6 Policy dealing with conflicts between faculty and administration was passed.
      3. Articulation transfer policy was approved.
      4. $500,000 to conduct the feasibility study on a possible Henderson campus was appropriated.
      5. Increased Presidential Powers - Approval was given to campus presidents for the determination of promotional appointments, sabbatical leave, and emeritus recognition.
      6. Price Waterhouse gave their findings with regards to compensation and benefits which dealt only with middle management.
      7. Tenure status will now be given to Faculty after five years of service. The new measure will affect new hires.
      8. Approval was given to faculty allowing individual control over the non-PERS portion of retirement funds.
      9. A presentation to dismiss the monopolization of United Way on the solicitations of charitable contributions was heard. This item will be discussed further before any determination is made.
      10. The retirement of Mary Lou Moser was announced.
      11. The per-credit cost for GBC upper degree programs was presented with approval foreseen.
      12. Funding Equity Study - The study did find a discrepancy in the per-student funding of UNR versus UNLV. However, the figure was much less than claimed. The study's findings will be upheld.
      13. Estate Tax Fund - One-time expenditures are currently at $110 million. The Board of Regents wish to reduce the estate tax fund to $55 million to assist in meeting these needs.
      14. GBC has received its full $1.56 million proposed budget request. The vote will go before the legislature within the next week.
    2. Procedures for Student Grade Appeals - The proposed procedure was read verbatim with the following changes recommended. A motion was made and unanimously accepted that the policy inclusive of the recommended changes remain under revision for the duration of the current catalog planning.
      1. Revise the statement in step three to read that the complaint will be submitted to the Academic Standards Committee if step two fails.
      2. Add the committee's request to have the Department Chair present at the Academic Standards Committee meeting if they find it necessary in step three.
      3. Add statement notifying student that the policy is to be carried out only during the normal faculty contract period.
      4. Add statement alerting the student that the policy is strictly for grievances of an academic nature. Current BoR policies are enacted for discrimination and sexual harassment complaints.
      5. Add statement advising that the Nursing program follows separate policies for its program.
    3. The consideration of committee consolidation will remain tabled until next year.
    1. Academic Standards - Written report submitted; information only. In order to address the issue of grade inflation, the Dean of Enrollment Management is generating a report and the results will be distributed with further action of the committee taken at that time. Also, seven requests for nontraditional credit have been submitted. Once information is studied, immediate action by the committee will be taken.
      1. A supplemental report provided June 1, 1999, provides action on the nontraditional credit requests. In addition, the committee expresses concern over the extensive amount of nontraditional credits grated and suggests that more detailed designation of the credits awarded for job training/experience be implemented. The committee requests Senate discussion.
        1. Kenneth G. Moore received credit for CRJ 101, 164 and 150B at 3 credits each subject to his completion of 15 credits at GBC.
        2. Kenneth G. Moore received credit for EMS 108B (7 cr.), 109B (1 cr.), and 115B (4 cr.) subject to his completion of 15 credits at GBC.
        3. James Mercado received credit for CRJ 101, 150B, 164, 214, and 220 at 3 credits each subject to his completion of 15 credits at GBC.
        4. Steven Chochrane received 3 credits for OSH 223.
        5. Holly Martinez received 1 credit of OSH classwork.
        6. Christa Mike received 3 credits for COT 102.
        7. Keitha Donovan received credit for ACC 135B (3 cr.), ACC 105 (1 cr.), COT 101 (3 cr.) and COT 110 (3 cr.). The request was approved minus recommendation from Kathy Schwandt which was not available at the time of action.
        8. A request for 60 credits by Howard Lund is tabled pending recommendation by Stan Popeck.
    2. Compensation and Benefits - Written report submitted; information only.
    3. Facilities Committee - Written report submitted; unanimously approved. The new technical building will be ready for occupancy by fall 2000; the COT department will relocate to this facility with GTA 118 and 119 computer labs opened up for art classes, Lundberg 6 used for small classes and Lundberg 7 used as a dark room. Lundberg 9 will be converted to office space once McMullen Hall is completed. A new facility for art department ceramic classes is being proposed between the Child Center and eight-mile creek with the Theatre department requesting rehearsal space somewhere on campus. The committee reaffirms the recommendation to keep the Quiet Room exclusive for student use.
    4. Personnel Committee - No written report submitted; a status review was given of the pending faculty appointments. Recommendations for five of the positions are being submitted by individual departments to Vice President Elliott. Three positions remain active.
    5. Student Relations Committee - Written report submitted; unanimously approved. The committee recommends that the recruiting project at area high schools continue under Marketing specifically headed by the upcoming Recruiter position. The committee will begin working with the Counselor and faculty in an effort to provide a quality student advising program.
    6. Budget - None
    7. Curriculum and Articulation - Written report submitted; unanimously approved. English 104B - Business and Technical English was approved. The committee further recommends that the origination of separate articulation and core curriculum committees be discussed by Senate. The Elementary Education Committee requests students pass ENG 101 with a 'C' grade or better.
    8. Faculty and Administration Evaluations - None
    9. Scholarships and Awards - None
    10. Distance Learning - Written report submitted; information only.
    11. Core Curriculum Committee - Written report submitted; unanimously approved. Several recommendations were given in order to have the general education requirements meet the time frame of the new catalog. Suggestions include the reinstatement of the A.S. and A.A.S. degrees, recommendation for the framework of the general education content, guidelines for integrating general education objectives into general education courses, having each department select a few courses to meet general education requirements, recommendations for the upper division general education courses and renaming "core curriculum". Faculty were advised that studying the recommendations over summer break would be propitious.
  8. OLD BUSINESS: No old business was brought forward.
  9. TRANSFER OF GAVEL: Chair Jack Smith presented the gavel to Chair Eric Bateman. Dr. Smith was presented with the novel, "A Man in Full" by Tom Wolfe, which has been graciously signed in yearbook style by faculty, administration and staff in recognition of his admirable performance of the past year. A laurel wreath crown was presented to Dr. Smith by Sarah Sweetwater.
    1. There will be a half-day workshop for high school counselors, career counselors and other interested participants on Myers-Briggs testing and the applications and benefits thereof on May 19, 9 AM - 2 PM, in GTA 130.
    2. Georgeanna Smith, Mike McFarlane, Marilee Kuhl and the other members and assistants of the Personnel Committee were recognized and thanked for duties performed exceedingly well this year.
    3. The Curriculum Committee headed by Mike McFarlane was recognized for their tremendous efforts. Other institutions form similar programs with individuals specifically hired to complete the task. This committee is making rapid progress while continuing their teaching workloads.
    1. Edith McCombs retirement lunch will be held Wednesday, May 19, at 11:30 AM at the Red Lion Inn and Casino in Winnemucca.
    2. GBC Spring Theatre Thang will be held at Pat Palmer's Cowboy Joe's East on May 14-15, 7:30 PM.