March 16, 2001
MEMBERS PRESENT: P. Bagley, E. Bateman, J. Burns, F. Daniels, H. Estes, A. Fisk, P. Fox, S. Garcia, G. Goicoechea, E. Henderson, P. Josey, J. Kempster, J. Larsen, M. McFarlane, S. Neilsen, L. Owens, C. Pyatt, L. Sanchez-Saenz, J. Rice, K. Schwandt, J. Shaw, J. Shrock, R. Siler, J. Smith, P. Smith, S. Sweetwater, G. Tenney, J. Williams
OTHERS PRESENT: VP Stan Aiazzi; ASB Representatives, Elise Goyeneche, Dawn Mitton, Brain Santisteven, Sarah Hart
- ATTENDANCE: Silent roll was taken. Chair John Rice declared a quorum present.
- CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:23 p.m.
- WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS : Chair John Rice welcomed everyone to Senate.
- VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT SERVICES STAN AIAZZI: Vice President Aiazzi took the opportunity to thank
faculty for their effort in raising college FTE. The increase was 4.5 full-time FTE over Spring 1999
semester with a semester increase of 11%. The net annual increase is 5%. Spring Fling Scholarships
expended $202,000. Administration will begin addressing long-term retention and recruitment
- ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODY: The ASB approached the Faculty with the problem of group
acclamation to offices following the current election process. Officers have little to no contact or
orientation as elections are held at the beginning of each academic year. A proposition was drafted
recommending that ASB executive officer elections take place the second week of April each academic
year. Faculty is asked to present the proposal to the classes and make a petition sheet available for
student signatures. Faculty agreed to assist with the proposal but clarified that they would not
campaign for its approval giving each student the opportunity to make a fair judgement. Any student,
regardless of number of credits, is eligible to sign the petition.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the January 26, 2001, meeting were unanimously approved.
- SENATE CHAIR REPORT: The following was reported:
- Vice President Stan Aiazzi will be retiring at the end of the semester. In recognition of his 30
years of service, a scholarship endowment in his name will be established. An initial investment
of $20,000 is being sought with scholarships awarded off earned interest. Stan will establish the
parameters for awarding and the recipient determined by the Scholarships and Awards
Committee. Each faculty member is asked to contribute $10 with a group goal of $500. Classified
Staff and ASB have also been asked to contribute. The remaining funds will be raised by the
Foundation Phone-A-Thon students.
- Board of Regents:
- UCCSN Lobbyist and former UNR President Joe Crowley is working closely with John Marvel
to find funds for a Winnemucca High Tech Center and with Rep. Dean Rhodes to find monies
for student housing in Elko.
- Jon Licht, Lynn Mahlberg, Lynn Owens and Nancy Remington were awarded tenure. Regent
Linda Howard attempted to derail tenure for two CCSN faculty due to personal reasons.
Although the attempt failed, it is gives good reason for faculty to remain strong and united.
- Mike Myer has been placed as Interim President at CCSN. The decision was made against
the wishes of the hiring committee.
- GBC's Bachelor of Arts in Integrative and Professional Studies (IPS) degree was approved.
- Bachelor of Arts in Integrative and Professional Studies - The degree has been approved by the
BoR. The next step is to gain approval by the Northwest Accreditation Agency. With Committee
Chair Jack Smith gaining sabbatical for next academic year, Eric Henderson was recommended
and as been approved as chair for the coming year.
- Bachelor of Applied Science - The proposal for Northwest Accreditation is almost complete. The
committee attended the Community College Conference at TMCC in order to recruit students of
the AS disciplines for our program.
- Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education - There are an estimated 18 graduating students in May.
The program has received 14 student teacher applications and 19 applications for program
admission for the fall semester. TEC Committee was recognized as an outstanding student
advising group by the BoR. The $2,500 cash award will be used as a scholarship.
- Bachelor of Arts in Nursing - None
- Academic Standards - Written report; unanimously approved Department Chair responsibilities
with the following amendments: Department Chairs will authorize course syllabi and book orders
for core classes. They will reach out to adjunct faculty and include them in appropriate activities
of the department. If they are not available to sign DPO's, they will delegate authority to another.
They will also be required to coordinate catalog reviews and reports as needed by the System
office. Departmental Chairs have unanimously approved the job description.
- Budget - Oral report; information only. Expenditures for tech fee allotments are scheduled for
April 30.
- Compensation and Benefits - Written report; approved. Joel Shrock, Heather Estes, Marilee Kuhl
and Glen Tenney were awarded travel funds.
- Curriculum and Articulation - Written report; approved. The committee submitted guidelines for
presenting 300/400 level courses. Jay Larsen has been added to the committee.
- Distance Learning - Written report; approved. The committee submitted a memo outlining
intellectual property rights for consideration. The committee wishes to proceed with maneuvers to
remove the ad hoc status of the committee within Faculty Senate. Senate unanimously approved the committee's request.
- Facilities - Written report; information only. Campus Safety Officer Patricia Anderson submitted a
letter regarding campus ADA compliance. Scott Young will be on campus March 23 to make
further recommendations.
- Faculty and Administrative Evaluations - The proposed faculty evaluation form was presented. It
was recommended that form include some sort of disclaimer regarding rebuttal procedures. The
recommendations will be presented via e-mail and voted on likewise.
- General Education - No report.
- Personnel - Oral report; information only. There are currently four active positions: Math/Science,
Nursing, English and Chemistry.
- Scholarships and Awards - Written report; approved. There will be a roast of VP Stan Aiazzi
during the upcoming college awards ceremony to recognize his retirement. Anyone wishing to
participate is asked to contact the Financial Aid office.
- Student Relations - No report.
- Recommendations for the Lead Faculty position in the BIPS degree were given. It is suggested
that the Chair serve a three-year term and be hired on a B+ contract. Degree Committee
membership should reflect that of the TEC giving representation from all relevant departments.
- Faculty committee assignments are beginning to be plentiful. Each faculty are required to
participate on at least one Faculty Senate committee per academic year in order to fulfill their
contracts. However, additional committees have started up especially in the area of the four-year degree programs which are not covered through release time or alternative
compensation. It may be necessary to visit the current workload policy in order to reach
alternative agreements which will better serve the contracts of faculty members.
- Kathy Schwandt has stated the inability to accept the role as Vice Chair in preparation for the
Chair position in the 2001-2002 academic year. Chair Rice proposes a bylaw change which will
extend the Chair term to no more than two academic years. This will not only meet the present
problem, as Chair Rice is willing to serve again, it will also allow the Chair to exercise familiarity
with the system and better orientate the Vice Chair as to his/her upcoming post. A motion was
made and unanimously passed to pursue the stated bylaw change proposal.
- Nominations were made for the vacant Vice Chair position. Pete Bagley was nominated and
unanimously accepted by Senate.
- A proposal was made by Chair Rice to explore the possible formation of caucuses within the
Senate. The groups would consist of Academic, Non-teaching, and Occupational faculty in order
to discuss matters specific to the appropriate areas with recommendations to the appropriate
Faculty Senate committee. No motion needed, further comments to follow.
- Mike Myrhow will be honored as an outstanding faculty member in Carson City. Mike has also
been nominated for the Regents Outstanding Faculty Award which will recognized at the end of
the academic year. Richard Adkins was honored as an outstanding alumni. Richard began his
college career at our institution when it was NNCC, continued on to complete his Bachelor's and
Master's at UNR and is now working on his doctorate and is a full-time faculty member with GBC.
- The Campus Network Committee report was submitted and unanimously approved. The report
recommends that the network proposal for the upcoming High Tech Center be planned and taken
into consideration as soon as possible. The tech center is scheduled to be operable by June
- INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: No informational items were brought forward.
- ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.