January 15, 2004
Members Present: P. Bagley, E. Bateman, A. Cates, F. Daniels, K. Dannehl, J. Emerson, P. Fox, G. Goicoechea, G. Heberer, E. Henderson, C. Hyslop, L. Hyslop, D. Jones, P. Josey, R. Kampf, J. Kempster, J. King, J. Larson, L. Macfarlan, K. Martin, M. McFarlane, C. McMullen, D. Moore, M. Ports, C. Pyatt, J. Rice, S. Rombough, J. Rosenthal, L. Sanchez-Saenz, S. Sanders, K. Schwandt, J. Shaw, G. Skivington, G. Smith, Ja. Smith, Ju. Smith, P. Smith, G. Tenney, S. Thompson, L. Uhlenkott, P. Warren
Others Present: Bright Path Representative Lisa Dinwiddie, Vice President for Academic Affairs Betty Elliott, United Way Representative Shelia Gillis, President Paul Killpatrick
- CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:21 p.m. Chair Daniels declared a quorum present. One proxy vote was noted. Chair Daniels graciously provided a lunch of lasagna for the members of Senate.
- WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Chair Daniels welcomed everyone to Senate. Chair Daniels introduced Dr. Dorothy Moore, Education Department; Tawny Crum, Student Financial Services; and Shane Ridley-Stevens, Student Recruitment to Senate. Chair Daniels welcomed everyone to Senate.
- UNITED WAY GIVING CAMPAIGN: Sheila Gillis, United Way of the Great Basin Executive Director, along with Linda Dinwiddie, Co-Director of Bright Path Adult Enrichment Center, a United Way partner, addressed Senate concerning the United Way giving campaign. The giving is an investment in the community which allows vital social service programs to function. GBC has been a long-term community investor with United Way that brings responsibility to the services the United Way supports. The United Way of the Great Basin is a local, independent company managed by a local Board of Directors which represents five counties. The money is closely monitored to ensure that the money given is used appropriately and for the purposes indicated. The United Way encourages the employees and the students to bring their volunteerism forward. Payroll deduction forms will be circulated to employees within the next week and employees are asked to consider $15/month donation.
- Bright Path Adult Enrichment Center assists families with aging or disabled family members with mental health, developmental and memory difficulties. The Bright Path center is a day service center which is funded through sources such as the United Way. The activities for participants encourage memory and motor skills. The service allows primary care family members to continue full-time employment or pursue interests and duties outside the home. The center has utilized the services of GBC's nursing students as a clinical learning environment. The support provided by the community is gratefully appreciated.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Senate reviewed two sets of minutes for approval.
- The minutes of the November 14, 2003, full senate meeting were unanimously approved.
- The minutes of special email meeting of the December 1, 2003, meeting were unanimously approved with the following corrections:
- The business discussed included two separate actions. The minutes will include the statement in support of Dr. Ronald Remington.
- BIOL 496 should not have been included as a recommendation by the committee and will be removed.
- Board of Regents The Regents convened on December 11-12. Chair Daniels entertained the Senate with several quotes surrounding various items of business. Extensive discussion centered on the employment issues of Ron Remington and John Cummings. The discussion became heated during certain moments; the stress of the situation obvious to the business at hand.
- Cost of Living Adjustments Though not specifically addressed by the Board, COLA's have been under discussion. The individual Senates and System Senate Chairs are looking at a 2.5% 3 % increase plus a flat dollar figure to offset health insurance costs based upon the consumer price index both nationally and within the state. This splitting of percentages may not be beneficial when negotiating; therefore, a flat 3.75% increase will be sought. The actions of the Board cannot be predicted as past attempts have not been successful.
- Cummings/Remington Decision Copies of the 1,026-page investigative report are available for review. A summary analysis was provided by Chair Daniels. Discussion of the issue will continue at the January BoR meeting. Chair Daniels's summary has been circulated to all parties involved and is being reviewed. The Senate thanked Chair Daniels for his diligence in studying and compiling his report. The report made an objective and complete review of an investigative report which was confusing and poorly compiled.
- Faculty Representatives to Athletic Committee Vice President for Administrative Services Carl Diekhans requests two faculty representatives to the committee seeking justification for the implementation of collegiate athletic programs for GBC. The committee currently involves individuals from both the college and the community. The programs must be funded through donations and/or receipts. The Senate shows reticence since there are desperately needed faculty positions and this could lead in a direction that is detrimental to the academic programs. Faculty sees very little student participation in established activities sponsored by various groups on campus. Athletics is part of the college strategic, five-year plan; a feasibility study will be implemented to address the question. Some of the sports under consideration include basketball, soccer, track, volleyball, and the re-establishment of the Rodeo Club. Athletic programs are a step towards making Elko a college town. Interested individuals should contact VP Diekhans.
- Academic Standards Written report; approved.
- Five considerations for experiential or non-traditional credit were considered by the committee and recommended for approval. The following student requests were unanimously approved: Jonie Davenport, Don Gilbertson, Sherri Melton, Michael Stirm, Ruth Talen-Watterson.
- The committee was asked to consider course disruption caused by developmentally challenged students who are not prepared for the instruction undertaken. GBC is an open-door institution; however, it seems unethical to take an individual's money when the education will not benefit them. Advising can steer students into appropriate classes. Learning disabilities should be brought forward, but policy states that the student should be admitted to the course. Some sponsoring agencies provide tutorial services for their students; the institution also has some legal responsibility to assist. State money may be available to provide equipment, interpreters, tutors, etc., but the required instruction level of the student may need to be adjusted, though the college is not legally bound to do this and such action could actually be detrimental to the student. Any policy must be considered in cooperation with the campus Affirmative Action Officer and System Legal Council. The committee will continue discussion.
- Institutional coding of Tech Prep disallowed the credit to be used outside of AAS education. The committee determined that the credit could apply for other education if the faculty instructing the discipline approve the curriculum which is in line with System policy. The question with regard to experiential credit for use within programs, including BA programs, is regulated through Board of Regents regulations with allowance for institutional preferences. Tech Prep regulations do not limit the allowable instruction to career-oriented (vocational) programs. Students continuing to the BAS program are, in essence, being awarded experiential credit since the credit comes within the lower-division AAS program.
- Assessment The committee completed two days of a faculty-wide learning assessment workshop utilizing outcomes which have already been established by individual programs. Further work concerning learning outcomes will be handled at the departmental level. A timeline for completion of implementation will be provided by the Deputy to the President Danny Gonzales.
- Budget and Facilities Written report; information only. A delay in the completion of the National Guard Armory has delayed the expansion of the math lab until the end of March or early April.
- Compensation and Benefits Information only. The committee has scheduled a meeting for January 23 in the College Community Center Social Room. All faculty interested in discussing workload issues should attend.
- Distance Education Information only. Workshops will continue next week centering on the expanded syllabus and WebCT instruction. Following January 21, departments need to contact Information Technology personally for any additional students so that all students will have their WebCT login and information by class start. The committee thanked the faculty for their participation in the instructor-based IAV training.
- Bachelor of Applied Science Information only. The Land Surveying emphasis will be brought before the Academic Affairs Council on January 28 and the Board of Regents in March. The program should be in place by the Fall 2004 semester.
- Bachelor of Arts in Integrative and Professional Studies Information only. The committee is working on increasing student enrollment.
- UNFINISHED BUSINESS: No unfinished business was brought forward.
- Adjunct Faculty Committee Adjunct faculty have been meeting with various college entities, including administration and off-site coordinators. The committee is addressing issues relating to adjunct faculty and presents them to Faculty Senate, coordinating efforts to resolve issues as they arise. A motion was made to appoint the committee as an ad hoc Adjunct Faculty Committee to Faculty Senate. Representation to the committee is varied to cover all aspects of instruction with relation to adjuncts. The motion was unanimously approved. The committee description will read as follows:
This committee addresses issues relating to adjunct faculty and presents these matters to Faculty Senate seeking action where it might be useful.
- Merit Raises for Faculty at the Top of Salary Scale A 2.5% merit increase has been approved for this academic year. However, a policy concerning such merit increases must be established in cooperation with administration prior to the end of April for future merit increases to be realized. This task was delegated to the Compensation and Benefits Committee.
- B-Course Designation The system common course numbering committee determined that a course receives a B designation if either UNR or UNLV decides that the course merits the distinction; however, if either UNR or UNLV accepts the transfer credit, the other must comply. Upper-division courses must continue to transfer at least as electives. The decision was unanimous; every system institution was supposedly represented. Several arguments as to the validity of the policy were brought forward; i.e., compliance with Northwest Accreditation, GBC's four-year standing, etc. Language is pending for the BoR Handbook.
- The Vagina Monologues President's Council has approved the idea of dedicating the upcoming performances of The Vagina Monologues to Naomi (Guenther) Menesini. Naomi was murdered on or around December 1 by her estranged husband after many years of abuse. Naomi was a long-time elementary school teacher in Winnemucca and active participant with the Elko County School District Professional Development Program. Mr. McGinty from the PDP and President Killpatrick are in the process of contacting Naomi's family to request their permission for the dedication. The casting call for the performances are scheduled for January 26 all are welcome.
- Cowboy Poetry The 20th Anniversary of the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering is underway January 29-31.
- John Sparks Presentation A Chatauqua presentation of John Sparks, Cattle King, will be presented by Dr. Michael Fisher onTuesday, January 27, at 7:00 p.m., in the GBC Theatre. The performance is sponsored by the Nevada Humanities Council.
- Workload Task Force The taskforce will meet on February 5. Each system senate chair will address issues unique to their respective institutions. Each chair is given five minutes of time. Chair Daniels currently has ten issues; however, he will concentrate on workload issues raised by forms of distance education of which we make extensive use. The aim is to institute a system-wide workload policy with flexibility.
- Food for February 27 Susie Sanders volunteered to bring treats for the February meeting.
- ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2:47 p.m. Senate will convene on Friday, February 27, at 1:15 p.m.