FEBRUARY 5, 1999

MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Allison, G. Avent, P. Bagley, E. Bateman, P. Collins, J. Cox, F. Daniels, S. Garcia, G. Goicoechea, E. Henderson, D. Hoem, C. Holt, C. Hyslop, L. Hyslop, P. Josey, R. Kampf, J. Karr, M. Kuhl, K. Martin, M. McFarlane, R. McNally, E. Nickel, L. Ohiln, L. Owens, M. Ports, C. Pyatt, N. Remington, J. Rice, J. Shaw, G. Smith, J. Smith, P. Smith, G. Tenney, M. Van de Ven, P. Warren, J. Williams

  1. ATTENDANCE: Roll was called. Chair Jack Smith declared a quorum present.
  2. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:17 p.m.
  3. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS : Chair Jack Smith welcomed everyone to Senate.
  4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the December 12, 1998, meeting were unanimously approved.
  5. SENATE CHAIR REPORT: Chair Jack Smith reported the following:
    1. Board of Regents - Due to agenda length, only brief highlights of the meeting were provided.
    2. Summer Compensation - An explanation of the summer salary compensation formula was provided according to the BoR Handbook in an effort to enforce the formula for GBC. The formula reads:
      1. (Contract Salary x .75/10)X 2 = N
      2. N / 8 = $ per credit hour
      3. $per credit hour x Number of credits per class = TOTAL COMPENSATION AMOUNT

      The formula will vary according to seniority and current contract amount. If a class comes in below the break-even profit margin, it is the responsibility of the faculty member to negotiate adequate compensation. Faculty is advised that negotiation should comply with the Workload Policy. A motion was made and unanimously approved to pursue the initiative with administration.
    3. TIA Annuity - This annuity is mandatory for professional employees. A UNR task force feels that an individual's retirement should be his/her responsibility with the funds managed according to personal risk and circumstances. A motion was made and unanimously passed supporting the UNR Task Force initiative giving power of retirement funds to the employee and to have health insurance payments an individual responsibility.
    4. Spring Break - A motion was passed last academic year setting the GBC spring break parallel with that of the Elko County School District. However, this is an open holiday for the school district allowing them to set the time off at Easter weekend. To give guidance to ECSD as requested by district representative Georgeanna Smith, a motion was made and unanimously passed to fix spring break for the last full week in March 2000 and 2001.
  6. CORE CURRICULUM REPORT: Accreditation of the four-year programs will include accreditation at all levels of education. The current core curriculum philosophy is incompatible with the addition of BA degrees. Several recommendations were initiated with individual approval sought.
    1. General Education Objectives - The objectives were revised and give five student objectives for learning and will be placed as part of the general education requirements (core curriculum): Communication Skills, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Cultural Awareness, Personal Wellness, and Technological Understanding. A motion was made and unanimously passed to accept the objectives as presented.
    2. Dissolution of the Associate of Science Degree / Credit Distribution in Academic Areas
      1. It is a strong recommendation that all students acquire adequate training in the general education area despite the type of degree sought. After extensive review of the general education objectives against the current AA degrees, it was recommended that the Associate of Science Degree be dissolved into the Associate of Arts Degree. Doing this will decrease the number of social science/humanities/fine arts credits by six and increase the number of science credits by three which will better meet the needs of BA students. The initiative was met by resistance due to potential hindrance/prevention in the educational track planned by science majors. It was stated that an Associates degree will not affect a student's career/educational choices since it is an entry level degree and study emphasis is usually determined according to major.

        An inverted pyramid explains how the core curriculum under the Associate of Arts degree might work. Preliminary minimum credit recommendation by academic area was provided; however, senate gave several proposed changes in distribution. Specific articulation will be determined at a later date. The AAS degree which is technical area specific will not be discarded. A motion was made to accept the dissolution of the AS degree with the credit distribution to be determined with further research and recommendation. The motion passed 33:2.
      2. Credit Distribution Rating - The proposed credit distribution was evaluated by course on a scale from 1 to 10 according to the ability to fulfill the general education objectives. The outcome showed all courses with strengths and weaknesses - none fulfilling all five objectives. Therefore, the committee recommends that the model of infusion in teaching be researched and evaluated. If provable, positive documentation is provided, the committee recommends substantial participation by faculty in the practice of the infusion model among their courses. Substantial participation will be defined as a model for restructuring and raising the level of education in the institution before action is mandated by the state. The model will not apply to every class, but to those which comprise the general education curriculum. Courses will be subject to periodic review for continued inclusion. A motion was made to accept the recommendation as stated. The motion passed 34:1.
  7. TEACHER EDUCATION CURRICULUM PROPOSAL: The program will continue to progress with the final model going before the state in March. The curriculum proposal was designed around three types of students: a) full-time education students; b) 9-semester, part-time / lighter- load students (working students); c) AA/AS degree holder beginning at semester 5. All curriculum is based upon the core curriculum established by the Core Curriculum Committee. Unique to the program is the proposal of a minimum of 18 credit hours in emphasis courses preferably 3 hours in each of the content areas (current state qualifications for certification require hours in methods courses only). Entrance will be largely based on interviews instead of GPA in order to target individuals who will become serving, dedicated, well-educated teachers. There are concerns regarding the amount of credit hours required within certain emphases; however, the Senate was reassured that the program is still under development and is currently stronger than any currently offered in the state. The faculty in the content areas will be called upon to evaluate the education courses to ensure that instruction meets requirements. Teachers in the state of Nevada are required to pass the PPST examination - this program will require that education students take the practice examination prior to graduation.
  8. CONSENSUAL RELATIONS POLICY : The policy language, though following federal guidelines, is ambiguous. However a motion was made to accept the policy with the deletion of lines in paragraph one, page three which read: "Individuals involved in such relationships should consult with their supervisor or the Affirmative Action Office. Where such relationships exist and no complaint has been made, a supervisor, vice president, dean, or director over both parties may give a verbal or written warning." The motion was unanimously accepted.
    1. Academic Standards - None
    2. Compensation and Benefits - No written report submitted; Requests for funds were approved for Eric Bateman and Mara Van de Ven. Funds are still available-- turn in your requests as soon as possible.
    3. Facilities Committee - None
    4. Personnel Committee - No written report submitted.
      1. Eighteen positions have been advertised with 221 applications received with 128 complete. The number of the positions available for hire and a hire start date are still to be determined.
      2. Martha Fenger has been approved for a one year's leave of absence; a notice for a interim replacement will be posted.
    5. Student Relations Committee - Written Report; approved. Faculty advisement and visit dates have been set for Ely,Winnemucca, and McDermitt.
    6. Budget - None
    7. Curriculum and Articulation - Written Report; approved. Introduction to Cultural Geography was approved.
    8. Faculty and Administration Evaluations - Verbal; approved. The revised student evaluation and administrative evaluation forms were distributed. The student evaluation form specifically eliminates subjective questions. Recommendations for further revision will be accepted.
    9. Scholarships and Awards - Verbal; approved.
      1. The scholarship luncheon is set for March 19 and the President's Awards ceremony is scheduled for May 7. The committee requests recommendations for notable students and staff for recognition.
      2. The committee will be looking for additional scholarships or extensions of current scholarships to meet the needs for four-year students.
      3. Judy Emerson was added to the committee by executive decision.
    10. Distance Learning - None
    1. The nomination process for the Regent's awards are falling behind. Senate was asked to bring nominations of students and staff to the next Senate meeting.
    1. Announcements -
      1. The annual Foundation Dinner Dance will be held February 27. Contact the Foundation office for reservations.
      2. The ASB is sponsoring Family Game Night, Friday, February 5, in the College Community Center.
    2. Vice Chair nominations will be accepted through March 12 with final vote at the April 16 Senate meeting. John Rice was nominated for the post.
  12. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 4:11 p.m.