December 1, 2003

Members Present: No members present. Business conducted by email.

  1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Daniels opened the floor for voting on December 1, 2003, at approximately 9:30 a.m. The business was conducted by agreement provided at the November 14, 2003, full Faculty Senate meeting to review the report for the upcoming Surveying Program in addition to other Curriculum and Articulation Committee issues.
    1. Curriculum and Articulation – Written report; approved.
      1. The following courses were unanimously approved: HIST 401, PHIL 101, PHIL 102, PHIL 210, COM 113, THTR 104, THTR 200, THTR 205, THTR 209, THTR 221, EDU 480, EDU 410, EDU 446, and BIOL 410.
      2. The proposed Surveying emphasis addition to the BAS program was unanimously approved.
    1. In light of the events recently occurring at CCSN involving Dr. Ron Remington and John Cummings, the following resolution was unanimously approved:

      “The faculty of Great Basin College expresses concern about the Board of Regent's closed personnel session last week that led to the Board's decision to re-assign Community College of Southern Nevada President Ron Remington.

      Ron Remington has dedicated his career to higher education in Nevada. His accomplishments are found across the state, and his reputation extends beyond its borders. As president of GBC from 1989 until his departure to CCSN in 2001, he gained the respect and admiration of administration, staff, faculty, students and the communities served by the college. Ron Remington proved himself a visionary leader and a man of integrity. He should have an opportunity to respond to the allegations made against him.

      The Board's decision to re-assign Remington has a chilling effect on the UCCSN professoriate and academic institutions. However, it also sends the citizens of Nevada the message that elected officials can reach decisions in closed sessions without being required to explain those decisions, even to the people involved.

      The faculty of Great Basin College request that the Board of Regents re-consider its decision of Thursday, November 21, 2003, to re-assign Ron Remington to the classroom.”

  4. ADJOURNMENT: Voting concluded on December 5, 2003, at approximately 1:30 p.m.