Faculty Senate
Friday, April 18, 2003

MEMBERS PRESENT: P. Anderson, P. Bagley, R. Barton, E. Bateman, D. Borino, R. Byram, S. Garcia, G. Goicoechea, E. Henderson, B. Hofland, C. Hyslop, L. Hyslop, D. Jones, P. Josey, R. Kampf, J. Kempster, B. Kern, J. King, J. Larsen, K. Martin, B. Murphy, S. Neilson, E. Nickel, L. Owens, C. Pyatt, J. Rice, B. Robertson, S. Rombough, J. Rosenthal, L. Sanchez-Saenz, J. Shaw, J. Shrock, R. Siler, G. Skivington, G. Smith, P. Smith, S. Sweetwater, G. Tenney, L. Uhlenkott, P. Warren

  1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Chair Bagley welcomed everyone to Senate.
  2. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:17 p.m. Four proxy votes were noted.
  3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: The minutes of the March 21, 2003, meeting were unanimously approved with the following addition:
    1. John Rice would like the record to reflect the individuals who made the motions and the seconds on the sense of Senate Resolutions A and B. He believes it adds integrity to the action of the Senate. It was established many years ago that names would not be utilized with regards to Senate business. The addition of the names will not modify Senate policy; the names will only be reflected for these particular items. Adjustments to the minutes will be made.
    1. Board of Regents - No Regents meeting was scheduled; no report brought forward. The next Board of Regents meeting is scheduled for May 8 and 9.
    2. Resolution A - The Senate Chair is now a member of President's Council with the contingency that the VPAA sit on the Senate Executive Committee. Faculty Senate accepted this compromise.
    3. Institutional Bylaws - The College is in the process of revising the GBC Bylaws. The last revision occurred in 1994 with little action since November 2002. Faculty is requested to have a key role in these revisions. Suggestions must be brought forward to the Bylaws Committee (ad hoc) who will act as the clearinghouse for recommendations. Senate must act on the changes.
    4. Resolution B - The resolution was discussed with President Killpatrick and was met with some amusement. The sense was that this was not an attempt to implement policy and was not feasible at this time.
  5. COMMITTEE REPORTS: The change of order for committee reports was called by Chair Bagley.
    1. Personnel - Oral report was brought forward.
      1. Interviews were held for the Ely Developmental English position. The committee interviewed the candidate and recommended him for hire. The recommendation was vetoed by the President following an unsolicited telephone call by the VPAA to a Dean within the UNR Curriculum and Instruction Department, the candidate's former institution. The dean was not on the candidate's list of references. Although such contact is not outside law, it has not been the practice of GBC. The telephone conversation produced a comment by the Dean that he would not re-hire the candidate, although the candidate withdrew himself from the tenure process and would therefore eliminate himself from re-hire. The committee does not feel that this issue has been satisfactorily resolved. All formal references for the candidate were highly positive and most individuals were from within the Curriculum and Instruction Department of UNR as is the Dean. All references clearly indicated that if the candidate felt that the decisions of Administration were not in the best interest of the student, the candidate would readily challenge the authority.
        1. The issue was brought forward at the Presidential Chat Session wherein Killpatrick stated that he would personally address Senate. President Killpatrick is unavailable for today's meeting.
        2. The matter was discussed extensively at the Faculty Senate Executive Committee meeting. In order to provide an official record of the conversation, the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting were read into the record:

          "The committee along with the Faculty Senate Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary express concern with the recent Administrative decision regarding the non-hire of the Ely Developmental English position. An earlier meeting noted that President Killpatrick admitted that the policy with regards to Presidential deliberations was not followed. Policy and procedure states that the President has the final hiring authority but he admits the process for due consultation with faculty was not followed. The committee notes that the VPAA is an ad hoc member of the Personnel Committee and she was invited to attend every meeting but was never in attendance until the final interview. The basis for decision was based on a second-hand conversation which could be deemed hearsay. It is troubling that the decision is being based on one person's perception and judgement. The Nevada Faculty Alliance is interested in becoming involved. A 45-minute meeting on the issue included President Killpatrick, Faculty Senate Chair Bagley, Faculty Senate Secretary Daniels, members of the hiring committee and the Director of the Ely Branch Campus. President Killpatrick stated during the meeting that he has to be actively involved in the process and that recommendations must pass "the hair-raised-on-the-back-of-my-neck" test. He also indicated that that was the test used to make his decision in this case. Such an ideology is in direct violation of his statement of accountability and necessity of following procedure. AAUP maintains the strong position that faculty is central to the appointment of fellow faculty members. The outcome of this procedure is an attack on shared-governance. Faculty Senate will consider a resolution in affiliation with the NFA. President Killpatrick will be informed that this is not a dead issue and that the NFA has been contacted. Policy revision will be pending to properly clarify what is and is not done within the hiring of teaching faculty."

        3. The committee contends that the findings should have been brought back to the hiring committee, the criteria for the President's decision should have been made available to the committee and a consensus of all parties then reached. The actions of the hiring committee should not have been simply negated and deemed irrelevant. The Policies and Procedures of GBC are specific, though the language with regards to "extending an offer" can be interpreted in various ways. The beginning of the procedure clearly states that the President has the final hiring authority; however, the detail of the process then outlines specific procedures, responsibilities and duties of the hiring committee. The president of the institution cannot interpret the first sentence in order to overrule the following of subsequent hiring processes. Past interpretation of procedure may indicate that the President does not need take the committee's recommendation; that the committee acts in an advisory capacity to the hiring agency.
        4. Other arguments arise in the contacting of a non-hiring entity within the candidate's former institution; the complete lack of regard for the recommendation of a representative faculty committee; the use of secret criteria for hiring which within a State agency is inconceivable; possible violation of Affirmative Action policies with regards to allowable scripted questions. There has been no indication that President Killpatrick knowingly acted illegally; the question comes out of shared-governance. It is the faculty who are qualified to judge the qualifications of their peers. Procedurally, while President Killpatrick may have ultimate hiring authority, his use of the authority may be inappropriate without the adherence to specific checks and balances. The American Association of University Professors clearly indicates the responsibilities of faculty within an institution; hiring of fellow faculty is one of those responsibilities.
        5. The Personnel Committee Chair, Jan Kempster, was brought in during spring break to learn of the President's decision via Vice President Elliott. Committee Chair Kempster was inappropriately given the responsibility of contacting the candidate with the college's decision.
      2. Cindy Hyslop was hired to take the temporary, one-year replacement position for Lisa Frazier.
      3. Pablo Cortes has signed a letter of intent that he would accept the IAV position contingent upon funding. The finding of this contingency was not readily known to faculty; however, the funding for the post is through an EstateTax which seems to be relatively secure for the next two years. Similar disclaimers are being added to all positions.
    2. Academic Standards - Written report submitted.
      1. The committee recommends a policy for AP test scores. This is in response to a previous decision by FS which was in contradiction to the institution's CLEP policy. The committee invites departments to review the conversion grid available which will determine credits. A motion was made to accept the policy. The motion passed with one opposed.
      2. An updated academic calendar for 2003/2004 was brought forward for consideration. The calendar may interrupt certain departmental activities but reduces the amount of time prior to the semester that faculty is required to be on campus.
        1. The school district has established their spring break for the last week in March. This was overturned to be in accordance with that of the college (3/22-27). The proposed calendar designates the break as 3/15-20. The college will coincide with the school district break and the calendar will be revised to reflect this decision.
        2. The catalog will go to press on Monday. If the old calendar is incorporated into the catalog, a caveat will indicate hat there could be possible change to the dates. The updated information can easily be made available to students.
        3. The Early Bird Registration Advising Day has been set as 8/12. This date is indicated in the schedule, but is easily revisable before going to print. The change should be initiated by Student Services who coordinates the session.
        4. A motion was made to approve the proposed calendar with the revision of Spring Break week. The motion was unanimously approved.
    3. Budget - Oral report submitted; information only. The committee made recommendation on the dispersion of the equipment monies. This money is currently being held in limbo to offset the request by the Governor for the return of funds. Ultimate decision can be expected during summer. The committee informed the Senate that if the money is not used, it will be returned for re-allocation in the following year.
    4. Curriculum and Articulation - Written report submitted; unanimously approved. BIOL 320, BIOL 378, BIOL 400, EIT 376, SOC 342 were recommended for approval. The committee tabled TT 299, submitted by Stan Aiazzi, which does not meet criteria for an instructionally- based course. The committee recommends that the activity can be handled through Continuing Education.
    5. Facilities - Oral report submitted; information only.
      1. There have been issues with the State Fire Marshall with regards to Griswold Hall. The relocation of faculty into McMullen Hall is still slated for the summer; however, the habitation of these offices depends upon the relocation of AHEC and UNR. Coordination will be sought through support personnel. The committee requests that faculty make prior arrangements for relocation prior to any extended vacation plans.
      2. The Armory is remodeling a considerable amount of their building due to change in function. The Armory will be asked to continue the sidewalk from the Adult Learning Center to 13th Street.
      3. The city is incorporating Elm Street into a planned bike path. Elm Street will become a no-parking zone on both sides of the street. The zone will extend from 13th Street to College Parkway. Burns Road will retain its parking status. The bike path along Elm will have two 12' lanes for vehicle traffic, with 6' lanes on each side of the street for bike traffic. The campus previously discouraged the use of bikes on campus; however, this will be revised. The policy will state that any damage witnessed to the campus will be grounds for immediate expulsion.
      4. There will be crosswalks extending from the compound to the Adult Learning Center and from the Elm Street campus entrance to Burns Road. Elm Entrance, Burns Road, and Elm Street will become a four-way stop.
      5. The city modifications are slated for May. Plans are being made to integrate the crosswalk with actual sidewalk access between Elm and Lundberg Hall. These enhancements will also assist in reconciling ADA issues with regards to access to buildings.
    6. Faculty and Administrative Evaluations - Oral report submitted; information only. Initiation for placing the evaluation forms on-line are being coordinated with the webmaster and should be available soon.
    7. General Education (Assessment) - Oral report submitted; information only.
      1. The evaluation of ENG 102 syllabi is in the process of being approved of meeting the general education guidelines. One additional syllabus is in the process of being evaluated; two others have not yet been received.
      2. A sampling of a range of general education courses is being completed to determine if they are meeting communication skills criteria within the integrative system of education. The procedure began with the development of a rubric and will continue as assignments are submitted. The process should be completed in early summer with a final report of findings. It is a duty of the committee to ensure that all integrative skills are being properly represented within general education coursework.
      3. INT 100 content was determined for the Fall 2003 semester. The committee consisted of members of General Education along with interested parties and instructing faculty. The committee will be asking various instructors from across the curriculum to be present to advise students at an appointed time during each section. Social events will also be planned during orientation week. The committee is working with Julie Smith of Student Central to revise the GBC Student Handbook which will act as the "standard text" for the INT courses.
      4. The committee is in the process of developing a waiver policy for INT seminars in conjunction with the lead faculty of the bachelor degree programs and the Academic Standards Committee. The policy is in response to the acceptance of upper-division transfer credits, while at the same time remaining uniform in execution and retaining the integrity of the programs. The policy will be submitted to the Senate for approval.
      5. The Gen Ed philosophy and the definition of integrative seminars which will be conducted in a faculty forum atmosphere prior to the beginning of the Fall 2003 semester. This forum is in response to requests of information by new faculty members who were not a part of the original integrative development and for requests by current faculty to assess the integrative structure. The date, time and location for the forum are pending.
    8. Library - The committee submitted a written report prior to Senate which required no action. Although the committee was not acknowledged as part of the Senate agenda, the submission of the report is so noted.
    9. Student Relations - Written report submitted; information only. A calendar of SGA events for the next two months was provided. The SGA has nine applications for six senator positions with campaigning to begin within the next week. Faculty may be approached to allow the campaigning students to address individual classes for one minute. The Spring Fling scheduled for May 3, 10a-2p, and is open to the community and will include club fundraisers in addition to free games and activities. The GBC Golf Tournament is scheduled for May 9. Faculty is encouraged to support student-sponsored activities.
    1. Elementary Education - Oral report submitted; information only.
      1. The program had received 32 applications; 9 have been accepted; 2 denied; the rest placed on hold pending outcomes of PPST scores or final course grades. The committee estimates 15-20 of the applicants will be accepted for the Fall 2003 semester.
      2. The program is working with the Elko County School District and Northside Elementary School to have two model classrooms which will have placements with specific objectives and lessons.
  7. ELECTRICAL PROGRAM - The program is initiating a program in low-voltage systems which deals with datacom wiring, computer cabling, telecommunication control systems, security systems, video systems, etc. The introduction class should be available for students by the Fall 2003 semester with work during the year toward development of a full Associates degree. The program will be in conjunction with CIT faculty.
    1. Course Articulation - There appears to be a change in the usage of listing courses within the catalog with the designation that articulation is in process. There is no clear affect on the schedule and has been standard practice. The committee brought this concern to Administration; however, there has been no response to the committee's concern. Chair Bagley will take the concern to Administration. There may have been confusion with courses which are indicated as "under development" in relation to courses in which articulation is pending. Use of the term has given indication for faculty to follow through with origination of the course. The concerns of the committee relate specifically to policy being initiated by Administration which directly affects the responsibilities of the faculty. Possible incorporation within the catalog and schedule of a "coming attractions" section could reasonably cue the student to pending courses if Administration insists that courses under articulation not be incorporated into the standard course sections.
    2. Position Advertising - There is indication that the Office of Academic Affairs would begin advertising for the Secondary Education, and Math position and the Library Director position. The Ely Developmental English position will remain open.
      1. The math department had heard that President Killpatrick was not going to list a math position because he felt that the department was in disarray. The typically overloaded department had planned via Senate to inform Administration that math courses would be cut back to contract load which prompted reconsideration of advertising the post.
    1. Vice Chair Nominations -Senate Chairs typically come from the transfer side of education and Senate was asked to consider a vocational member or non-teaching member. Discussions produced various names. A motion was made to nominate Frank Daniels and Cyd McMullen. The motions passed unanimously. The nominees will be informed of the action and asked to consider their nominations. Formal elections will be held at the next Senate meeting.
    2. Workload - Meetings with VP Carl Diekhans and VP Elliot in conjunction with Chair Bagley and Vice Chair Shrock produced a tentative agreement of 12 credits one semester, 15 credits the following semester each academic year (i.e., 5/4 distribution). President Killpatrick showed support for the plan with the possibility of utilizing internal funding if funding is not produced by the State. Implementation is planned for Spring 2005. Justifications will need to be in place by the faculty with the goal of getting the workload funded at the state level. There may be emphasis on efficiencies. Money for funding teaching assistants is available which may assist in raising the caps on courses where it is difficult to do so. Administration did show concern that faculty would want to continue to work the 5/5 to gain overload pay. Faculty reiterates that the low rate of overload pay is not in itself incentive to take on extra hours.
      1. The Lead Faculty workload is at 9 credits (6 credit reduction) to be paid by a B+30 contract. Meetings with the VPAA have produced various agreement options to this workload. The individual negotiations with the VPAA may be appropriate; however, each effected faculty member not being made aware of the various agreements can prove problematic. In addition, there is extreme discrepancy with regards to the 3/3 workload for lead faculty. The VPAA interprets the agreement as a temporary agreement. Faculty have never been under that assumption.
      2. There is an indication that the workload policy must be standardized and this has prompted the generation of the individual workload memos from the VPAA. The information used to calculate workload is not consistent with policy. The workload reports have been circulated consistently full of errors because the information used for generation is not complete. In particular, the reports address FTE, which is not in accordance with the faculty workload policy. Revisions for faculty signature, an effort to reach a correct sum, are backdated.
      3. Overload pay is paid at the end of the semester and only at the faculty member's request. The generation of payment is not an automatic occurrence. Faculty feels this is reprehensible.
      4. The problems seem to be a consequence non-existent consultation in open, formal meetings. The problems extend to all sections of the college; for example, the issue of 4/10 summer work hours for Classified Staff. These issues will be delegated to the Compensation and Benefits Committee for resolution in consultation with Department Chairs. This will provide the VPAA with open lines of communication for accurate pro-active process creation.
    3. evaluation of Administration - The forms to evaluate Administration will be distributed to faculty within the next two weeks.
    4. Space Utilization - A revised schedule was distributed for consideration. The plan is a combination of VP Diekhan's plan and that of Senate Secretary Daniels. The plan is open for modification. The plan eliminates the overlap of the previous plan. The plan was generated in conjunction with IAV. There is a problematic open block from 12-12:50; however, this gives faculty an option to capture lunchtime students. Friday afternoons are kept open for faculty activities such as meetings but classes may still be held during these times. Many of this is negotiable so that courses utilizing labs have room to restructure the blocks to their needs. Implementation of the modified schedule is slated for Spring 2004.
    5. Compensation and Benefits Chair - The floor was opened for nomination of the Committee Chair for the 2003-2004 academic year. Dr. Jay Larson was unanimously nominated. Dr. Larson accepted the nomination and formal elections will be held at the next Senate meeting.
    1. Students with Disabilities - Phil Smith, the representative for students with disabilities, provided faculty with examples of statements to be included on course syllabi. They were formulated to meet ADA requirements.
    2. Secondary Education Meeting - A meeting for all interested parties regarding the Secondary Education program is to be held on Tuesday, April 29 at 9:30 a.m.
    3. Spanish Experience - Coordination for the travel experience has been finalized. The trip is scheduled for June 10-24 with a cost of $2750 (price includes the cost for college credit). The trip is limited to 18 people. The deposit is due by April 24.
  11. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 3:42 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for May 16 at 9:00 a.m. in McMullen Hall, Room 103.