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Economics (ECON) Course Listings
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ECON 101 National/Global Economics and Financial Literacy (1 credits)
Study of the basics of national and global markets. Discussion and analysis of financial literacy components.

Current Offerings

ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)
Study of the causes and effects of individuals' choices among alternative uses of scarce resources. Topics include supply and demand analysis, price determination, theories of various market structures, competition and coordination, labor, the role of profit and interest, and government involvement in the economy.

Current Offerings

ECON 103 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
Basic price and quantity relationships, study of monetary systems and policy, inflation, production and growth, recession, unemployment, fiscal policy, supply and demand perspectives, international exchange, and governmental-market relationships.

Current Offerings

ECON 104 Current Economic Issues (3 credits)
Analysis of current economic issues and their relevance to individuals in their roles as consumers, workers, businessmen, and voters. Economic theories and concepts are utilized in explaining important social interaction relating to such topics as medical care, anti-trust policy, price controls, drug prohibition, environmentalism, tax policy, public debt, and income distribution.

Current Offerings

ECON 307 Environmental Economics (3 credits)
An application of the principles of marginal analysis and economic reasoning to the environment. Differing perspectives on issues relating to ownership, property rights, preservation incentives under different scenarios, the Coarse theorem, trade-offs among human values, distributional effects of varying uses of scarce resources, and differing public policy issues.

Prerequisite: Must have completed an associate's degree.

Current Offerings

ECON 365 Labor Economics (3 credits)
An application of economic theory relating to labor issues. Topics include determination of wage and employment levels, worker cartels, fringe benefits, subsistence wages, minimum wage laws, living wage laws, unemployment compensation, fairness in wage distribution, the division of labor, and tenure systems.

Prerequisite: Must have completed an associate's degree.

Current Offerings
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