ANTH 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3 credits)Study of human cultures across the globe through examination of the basic principles underlying the organization of societies and the ways anthropologists analyze various parts of culture. Students will become familiar with the glue that holds all groups of people together, and how that glue can divide groups of people in profound ways.
Current Offerings
ANTH 102 Physical Anthropology (3 credits)Introduction to the study of how humans, Homo sapiens, have emerged as a species and come to dominate the planet by examining processes of human biological and cultural evolution. Topics include inheritance, the emergence of primates, fossil hominids, the development of technology, and biological variability among modern humans. Satisfies general education science.
Current Offerings
ANTH 216 Cultures Through Film (3 credits)An exploration of societies, cultures and cultural anthropology through film. Ethnographic and documentary films are shown.
Current Offerings
ANTH 307 Ancient Civilizations (3 credits)An exploration of the world's first civilizations and states in Africa, Eurasia and the Americas - the general trends in select regions and coverage of key archaeological sites. A review of theoretical perspectives on the rise and collapse of states along with techniques used in archaeology. This course satisfies the requirements for INT 349.
Prerequisite: Must have completed 40 or more credits or instructor approval.
Current Offerings
ANTH 400A Indians of North America (3 credits)Ethnographic survey of the wide variety of societies found in native North America, including regions such as the Plains, the Arctic, the Southwest, and the Southeast, among others. Course provides an overview of social institutions (i.e., religion, food getting and settlement, kinship, etc.) and changes resultant of European contact and colonization. Satisfies the diversity requirement at UNR.
Prerequisite: Must have completed 40 or more credits including one of the following: ANTH 101 or ANTH 201 or ANTH 202 or instructor approval.
Current Offerings
ANTH 400B Indians of the Great Basin (3 credits)Study of indigenous cultures of the intermountain region of Western North America including such groups as the Washoe, the Western Shoshone, the Northern Paiute, and the Ute. Course provides an overview of social institutions (i.e., religion, food getting and settlement, kinship, etc.) and changes resultant of European contact and colonization. Satisfies diversity requirement at UNR.
Prerequisite: Must have completed 40 or more credits including one of the following: ANTH 101 or ANTH 201 or ANTH 202 or instructor approval.
Current Offerings
ANTH 406 Art in Small-Scale Societies (3 credits)This course focuses on the 'traditional' production and meaning of art in small-scale societies as well as the changes that occur with colonization and globalization among select groups from locations such as Africa, New Guinea, Australia, North and South America, and the Pacific Islands.
Prerequisite: Must have completed ANTH 101 or ANTH 201 or GEOG 106.
Current Offerings
ANTH 439 Selected Topics in Cultural Anthropology (3 credits)Topic to be selected by the instructor and will reflect student needs. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
Prerequisite: Must have completed 40 or more credits including one of the following: ANTH 101 or ANTH 201 or ANTH 202 or instructor approval.
Current Offerings
ANTH 440B Archaeology of the Great Basin (3 credits)Examines the prehistory of the Great Basin region, including the Paleoindian, Archaic periods, and later prehistoric occupations. Explores what kinds of data archaeologists use to construct culture histories and the environmental and social factors that influenced prehistoric patterns.
Prerequisite: Must have completed 40 or more credits including one of the following: ANTH 101 or ANTH 201 or ANTH 202 or instructor approval.
Current Offerings
ANTH 458 Origins of Inequality: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (3 credits)This course explores the nature of social inequality in multiple cultural contexts including how inequality emerged in human history across time and space, and how it is expressed in different contemporary cultural contexts.
Prerequisite: Must have completed ANTH 101 or ANTH 201 or ANTH 202 or GEOG 106 or SOC 101.
Current Offerings