December 12, 1997

PRESENT: J. Allison, P. Bagley, E. Bateman, J. Cox, M. Fenger, P. Fox, G. Goicoechea, L. Horton, L. Hyslop, M. Kuhl, J. Licht, K. Martin, E. McCombs, M. McFarlane, M. Myrhow, L. Owens, M. Ports, C. Pyatt, J. Rice, R. Siler, J. Smith, J. Stringfield, S. Sweetwater, B. Tenney, G. Tenney, M. Van de Ven, P. Warren, A. Wright

ABSENT: G. Avent, R. Barton, J. Blach, D. Borino, L. Brown-Wilson, R. Byram, P. Collins, G. Corderman, F. Daniels, K. Dimick, V. Easterly, A. Emerson, J. Emerson, C. Ferry, S. Garcia, M. Harper-Harrison, S. Hawkins, D. Hoem, C. Hyslop, R. Jahns, P. Josey, R. Kampf, J. Karr, F. King, L. Mahlberg, C. McMullen, R. McNally, B. Murphy, E. Nickel, P. Normandie, S. Popeck, J. Pryor, L. Reber, N. Remington, B. Sanford, K. Schwandt, J. Shaw, G. Smith, P. Smith, M. Swetich, J. Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: Jan King, Sierra Nevada College

  1. ATTENDANCE: Silent roll was taken. Chair Marilee Kuhl declared a quorum present.

  2. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m.

  3. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Chair Marilee Kuhl welcomed everyone to the meeting.
    1. Ann Wright, part-time faculty representative, was introduced to Senate. She is an instructor in the Computer Office Technology Department.
    2. Louis Horton presented Larry Hyslop with the door prize from the Christmas Social in Berg Hall. Larry organized the campus-wide event with the assistance of Lisa Robinson. Each building has had its own theme and have outdone themselves as hosts. The events have generated Christmas spirit and have provided good times for the entire staff of GBC. Thank you.

  4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the November 14, 1997, meeting were unanimously approved.

  5. SENATE CHAIR REPORT: Chair Marilee Kuhl reported the following:
    1. Board of Regent's Meeting held at UNR:
      1. The GBC Master Plan was presented to the Regents by Vice President Elliott. A similar PowerPoint presentation will be given to Faculty in January.
      2. 4-year Degrees - President Remington presented the Regents with the outline to proceed with a feasibility study on the development of our 4-year programs. Several Regents questioned the need for the study after hearing Dr. Remington's report; however, President Remington and Chancellor Jarvis suggested that such a study will ensure the needs of the communities GBC serves will be addressed in the new programs and that accreditation issues issues will be considered as well.
      3. Fire Science Academy Repurchase - The item was approved to develop a lease with Allstar investments to rebuild the school in Carlin area. Estimated construction costs are at $28 million.
    2. Faculty are to report back to campus January 12.
    3. Open Forum will be held Monday, December 15, 3-4:30 p.m. in McMullen Hall room 12. Details about the feasibility study and potential 4-year programs will be discussed.

    1. Academic Standards - None
    2. Budget - None; Faculty are reminded that there is a deadline when items from the one-shot legislative funds need to be spent.
    3. Compensation and Benefits - Written report submitted; unanimously approved.
    4. Curriculum and Articulation - Written report submitted; unanimously approved.
      1. The committee will meet early next year to set a deadline on submitting classes for fall cutiing down the rush-workload experienced during past semesters.
      2. Lynn Mahlberg has asked Faculty to check numbering, course descriptions, etc., in the course catalog.
      3. Guidelines for preparing new courses are available through Genie Goicoechea.
      4. There have been numerous errors in submissions; please utilize administrative support staff in your area in order to submit a clean copy.
      5. BUCK 101B, 102B will be considered once a syllabus is seen by the committee. This item is still open.
      6. Any syllabi acquired through other institutions for use by an on-campus instructor must be rewritten in his/her own words.
    5. Distance Education - Written report submitted; approved subject to legal and administrative council along with determination of proper and acceptable compensation regarding the video taped courses.
      1. Intellectual Property Rights draft was submitted. This is to protect the instructor of a video taped course. This document gives the instructor the right to choose how and when the tapes are used, how long the tapes are used before they are considered obsolete, and allows for proper monetary compensation when tapes are used by other instructors. This document is to be signed with Vice President Elliott prior to actual taping. This agreement excludes any pre-purchased, licensed, video tape package used for instructional purposes, but includes any video tapes now in use as described above. Dr. Remington has approved this measure.
        1. Item c. on first section on second page should read: right to approve how these videotapes are distributed and used.
        2. Decision regarding proper compensation should be discussed with Vice President Elliott and Dr. Remington. Suggestions include flat fee distribution thus allowing the college to purchase the rights to the videos, and compensating faculty equal to the number of credits in the course.
      2. The computer lab use policy was presented to Senate. Any student enrolled at GBC in a non-COT class may have access to the computer lab by filling out an application and paying a $15 lab fee. Any student wishing one-time use during a semester is to sign a form provided by the lab aide and the lab aide will log the individual in. This policy does not include the Critical Skills Lab. Class accounts can be set up for temporary individual class use (this includes ½ credit and 0 credit courses).
    6. Facilities - No written report submitted; any comments regarding the McMullen remodel are welcome. Actual designs will be drafted upon return in January.
      1. The committee was asked to address the issue of chewing tobacco use on campus. The use of pop cans and cups as spittoons are evident around campus as they are left outside classrooms, outside doors, etc. The campus is a non-tobacco facility and the facilities committee will reemphasize this around campus. The Senate unanimously approved this measure.
    7. Faculty and Administrative Evaluations - None
    8. Personnel - No written report submitted.
      1. A part-time nursing instructor will be sought to instruct the Certified Nursing Assistant course in addition to assisting with the nursing program.
      2. The announcements have gone out for Gary Corderman's and an Assistant to the Vice President positions. Thirteen applications have been received so far.
      3. Policy and Procedure Manual has been reviewed and returned. A motion was made and unanimously approved to accept the recommendations of the committee regarding the manual.
    9. Scholarship and Awards - None
    10. Student Relations - None; The ASB has made a decision to impeach one of their senators due to non-attendance of meetings and events.
    11. Four-year Degrees - None; Dr. Smith wanted to reemphasize that the necessity of the open forum on Monday, December 15. This forum will give Faculty a chance to ask pertinent questions regarding our 4-year programs. The early date is due to the amount of follow-up necessary with the experts conducting the study who are out of Denver, Colorado. It is critical to have the individuals present and working as soon as possible allowing follow-up to their recommendations while Faculty are still on campus. The other item critical to the planning is acquiring the necessary funding which must begin as early as January. Questions will be accepted in advance of the open meeting and they may be made anonymously.

    1. GBC Mascot - The ASB conducted a meeting emphasizing the development of a campus-wide vote. Different ideas were bear, grizzly, coyote, chukker, owl, and raven. Please be aware that Faculty does have a say in the decision.
    2. Honorary Associate Degree - Maryann Glaser, Arthur Glaser, and Shelley Hanna were nominated. Any other nominations should be brought to the attention of President Remington before December 31.
      1. Senate would like to know if there would be an honorary community service award presented this year. Dr. Remington will be approached.
    3. Senate Web Page - Institution would allow individuals access to the bylaws, agendas, minutes, etc. at any time. The page will only contain approved reports and minutes on the Senate Web Page. E-mail will be the vehicle used to exchange information prior to meeting dates.
    4. Instruction - At the last meeting several individuals noted discrepancies in who was determining the quality of instruction for the college. Senate feels that issues pertinent to instruction need to be made within divisions and brought before Senate for review. Since that time, the COT department addressed the issue of non-COT instructors setting up computer classes with Vice President Elliott.

    1. Fitness Center Use - Spouses of Faculty who wish to use the Fitness Center must sign up for the appropriate course. Spouses are entitled to specific grant-in-aid which should take care of the enrollment costs. They then may use the facilities during the specified times for either Faculty or students.
    2. 16-Week Semester - Vice President Elliott would like Senate's reaction to eliminating the designated finals week for each semester. This would allow instructors to schedule their final exam for the regular class time during the 16th week. This is an effort to simplify scheduling both for students and instructors. Problems occur when certain exams are designed to fill the current 2-hour block. A vote was taken resulting in 7:10 in favor of changing the current finals week schedule.
    3. Outstanding Faculty, Student, and Staff Awards - Marilyn Glaser was nominated for the Outstanding Student Award.

    1. Free Fitness Center Use - Please watch schedules for dates and times for all Faculty, Staff, and a guest to use the facilities.
    2. Staff vs. Faculty Volleyball Game - Wednesday, December 17th, 12:00 Noon at the Fitness Center.
    3. GBC Christmas Party - Thursday, December 19th, Western Folklife Center.
    4. Classified Staff Cookbook - On sale for $12 at various locations around the campus. Proceeds benefit their annual book scholarship fund.
    5. Oral Interpretation Class will be presenting various Christmas works for everyone's enjoyment. Authors range from Dylan Thomas to Dr. Suess. Friday, December 12, 7:00 PM at the Western Folklife Center.

  10. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2:22 PM. Next meeting will be held Friday, January 30, 1998, at 1:15 pm.